- Sunday, April 29, 2012
by Abraham K.
Tips on How to Fix a Golf Slice
First you should try to identify everything about your drive or your swing that is causing your clubface to be open at the point of strike, and then try to determine which relates to you. Here are some golf tips on driving that relate specifically to how to fix a golf slice by adjusting your swing, grip or stance.
1. Strengthen your grip: if you strengthen your grip by moving it a few degrees clockwise, your clubface will straighten up quicker. You may have to make a few adjustments to get it right.
2. Hold Back Your Chest: If your chest rotates too quickly, so that it crosses the ball before you hit it, then so your club head will lag behind and not be straight on impact, slicing the ball.
3. Fully Rotate Your Shoulders: Most golf tips on driving will stress the importance of getting your shoulders right back on your swing, and this is particularly important when trying to fix a golf slice. A failure to rotate your shoulders correctly on your backswing can result in your shoulders leading your body through the swing which pulls your club head out of alignment, slicing the ball.
4. Take a Step Back: Another potential quick cure that may fix a golf slice is to take up your normal stance and then take step back. By doing this, your club head will have a bit longer before it hits the ball and so more time to close, or straighten up to the ball.
5. Adjust Your Stance Left: As an emergency remedial action on-course, when all else fails, adjust your stance with your feet in line with a point slightly to the left of target, but drive straight to the target. This may straighten the club head before you hit the ball but could also make your slice worse, so you should try the above four golf tips on driving first.
6. Never Aim Left of Target: Some people compensate for slicing the ball to the right by aiming to the left. You should never do this because you will not affect your slice, and will lose any accuracy you may still have had. Not only that, but you will be losing a lot of distance on your drive: possibly 40 yards or more because you are in effect playing an extreme fade shot.
Playing a Fade
Good golfers can fade the ball at will, which utilizes the ball mechanics of the slice in a controlled fashion with a lot less curve on the ball. They do this either by deliberately holding back on the club so that it is open at strike, or aiming their feet and shoulders left and keeping the clubface aimed at the target.
Many beginners slice the ball because they rush their swing and try to hit the ball far too hard. They don't give the club enough time to straighten up before whacking the ball, and away it goes like banana, often ending up on the adjoining fairway. A slower controlled swing will offer better results, and the ultimate advice on how to fix a golf slice is to work on your swing.
All golf tips on driving will emphasize the importance of swing mechanics and taking control of this essentially unnatural rotational movement for a human being. If you learn how to control your swing, and how to give your golf club time to close and to become absolutely square to the ball and the target at the moment of impact, then that's how to fix a golf slice, with the other tips above your golf driving game should be on or back on target in no time.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6311209
- Thursday, April 26, 2012
1. Start your day early - This is probably the number one habit of successful people. Get an early start during the day and you're already ahead of the day. Your mind is fresh so you can get some really important tasks accomplished. Maybe you get your exercise workout before starting work. Or you get an early start at work. But this does not mean less sleep. Early to bed and early to rise. I am on a 10 - 5 am schedule. It works great for me. The morning brain is also the freshest if you've had enough sleep and you can get more done in one hour of morning time than 2 hours later in the day so engage your brain and take advantage of this opportunity.
2. Prioritize - do you have a list of 30 things to do in a day. Well, how about list the top five that have to be addressed that day. Focus on getting a few things accomplished every day instead of trying to set an unrealistic expectations.
3. Work large projects in small increments - for ex: let's say that you need 4 hours to complete something and you keep stalling it because you haven't had the time to do it. How about you make a commitment to address it 15 minutes a day. Working on projects in small increments of time can be very effective in getting it DONE. Another example is organizing your basement. Do you have a whole week to spare to organize 10 years of stuff in your basement...probably not. So one of your yearly goal is to clear out the basement. You can do that by let's say 15 minutes a day 3 times a week. Before you know it, your basement starts to clear up slowly but surely. This rule is especially effective for these types of projects.
4. Get the most important items completed before 1 pm. My mind and body tends to slow down as the day goes on so take advantage of you being your best during the earlier part of the day to take care of the most important tasks at hand.
5. Refuel your body and mind throughout the day. Take a break from the computer to stretch often, to eat a healthy snack (key is healthy), or simply take a moment to meditate or work on something you enjoy for a few minutes. Then get back to what you are working on.
6. Plan your week. Take some time to plan your week coming up. When are you going to try to get all your workouts in? Sometimes things that are important but not urgent never get taken care of like exercise, eating healthy, or spending time with your kids. It's easy to be on auto-mode and keep plugging away at work without thinking of the bigger picture of your life. So take an hour out of a Sunday and plan your week out. It becomes your roadmap.
7. Do everything with a purpose. Sometimes we tend to be on auto-pilot. Is there a job that you hate or no longer enjoy. There are people out there who have never worked a day in their life b/c they simply love what they do w/ a passion. You can do that too even if you're currently in a job that you "less than love" (ok hate), you can slowly align your goals and yourself in a way to eventually quit what you hate doing and start making money in something you love to do.
8. Divide your time into 2 hour increments and really think about what you want to accomplish during those 2 hours. Write them down if you have to...this is especially great if you have a lot that you have to accomplish that day and you need to make every hour count. Or use this concept to re-focus on what needs to be done.
9. Take note of activities that consume your time and take away from productivity. Are you obsessed w/ your blackberry; do you find yourself going on Facebook 12 times a day...there might be obsessive habits that take away from your productivity. Take a note of it and consciously work on reducing or eliminating these obsessive habits that take away from things that are important. I'm not saying that you can't unwind and take time out to simply do something that relaxes you.
10. Schedule time to organize your life. Take one day out of the week to organize your paperwork, your office, your home, your computer files, etc. When you live an uncluttered life, you tend to stay focused and clear.
11. Take time to fuel your soul and your spirit. Meditation, Yoga, a good exercise routine, giving your time to your favorite charity, visualization, walks in the parks, dance classes, art classes, etc. What do you love to do? Take time to do this and you will not only be happier, your productivity will increase.
Jaya Patel has a healthiest foods blog. Examples of topics she blogs about are home remedies for various ailments, super foods that pack the most nutritional punch, natural and alternative therapies, non-toxic and truly natural products for your home, beauty skin and hair products. She is a blogger for all things healthy and non-toxic. She is dedicated to empowering others to achieve holistic health for them and their families through their food choices, cleaning products and personal care products.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jaya_Patel
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6824712
- Sunday, April 22, 2012
Developing an abundance mentality is one of the most powerful ways to succeed in life. If you haven't heard of this before, then you are missing out on golden opportunities to make something of your life.
Read on to learn how to develop the abundance mentality.
Step 1: Dream Big.
When you sit down with yourself to create a list of goals and ambitions, don't try scaling them down just because you think they're larger than life. Dreams are supposed to be that way.
Just because your parents are contented with their lives doesn't mean that you have to be satisfied with yours as well.
The bigger you dream, the more determined you are to work towards achieving it. And the more passionate you work, the more open you are to receive abundance and prosperity.
Step 2: Be Positive.
Having an abundance mentality means adopting a positive attitude. Nothing should get you down easily. When someone tells you that you can't do something, tell yourself that you can and you will.
Feed that fire inside of you and treat every obstacle as an opportunity to become a better person. With this kind of thinking, you are successfully inviting and manifesting prosperity into your life.
Step 3: Learn To Ask.
Having an abundance mentality also means knowing how to ask for things. While the universe has a way of knowing what you want, it's not the same as asking the universe for what you want.
When you ask (whether in prayer, writing or mantra), you are formally claiming your right to achieve and receive something. Once you ask, that's when things will start moving in your direction.
Step 4: Sit Back And Relax.
Knowing that abundance is on its way to your doorstep, take the time to relax. The blessings you are asking for will be given to you.
Be grateful, for you know that you are to receive exactly what you asked for and maybe more. Fidgeting around will not be of any help to you.
Step 5: Be Generous.
Do you believe in karma? The abundance mentality does have something to do with it as well. When you do something nice for others, prosperity will always find its way back to you.
Just a simple gesture of friendliness, for example, can go a long way. Life has a way of getting back at you. Now whether it comes back positively or negatively is up to you.
Having the abundance mentality is extremely important. Anyone can do this. It doesn't matter whether you are currently rich or poor, strong or weak. If you put your mind to sit, prosperity and abundance will surely follow.
Want to know the secrets of a never-ending flow of money, abundance and prosperity into your life? Want to be wealthy without a lot of struggles and hard work? Go to http://www.prosperityinsideout.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Lee
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6550330
- Monday, April 16, 2012
by Lex Douvasa
If it's not broke don't fix it...right? No! One of the best methods of mental health recovery is to maintain an environment prone to mental health and mental illness recovery. Staying mentally healthy is a way of life, not something you do when things start to go wrong. Keep reading for your top 10 tips to staying mentally healthy! Remember sometimes, the best treatment is prevention.
For access to some great cutting-edge research aside from the tips below, check out the Mental Health Center of Denver's Research and Evaluation Team's publications.
1) Stay Physically Active: the human mind developed in an environment requiring one travels the equivalent of 12 miles per day for sheer survival (and no that doesn't mean jumping in the car and flooring it!). Recent research has proven that increased physical activity can actually create new brain cells (once thought of as a static number), this explains why nearly every mental healthcare consumer at facilities such as MHCD are strongly encouraged to begin an exercise regiment immediately.
2) Stay Socially Active: we are social creatures, thus one's support network, be it family or friends, is of immense importance to one's general well being. It is of course ok to take a few nights to yourself, but don't stay shut in. Go out, keep your social relations strong.
3) Get a Hobby: find something creative outlet that you want to do just for yourself. Depending on what you chose, a hobby can be a great avenue into sports clubs, night classes at a local college, or staying physically active; plus if its something you enjoy it will be much easier to stick with!
4) Be Self-Reflective: you know those few nights a week I said it was ok to just take a night to yourself? Do it! Read a good book, walk your dog, just think things over. Examine where you are in life, where you want to be, and where you've come from. Be honest and complimentary to yourself. You are a brave, amazing person, so act like it :)
5) Play: play is actually tremendously important for staying mentally healthy. Devoting time to just having fun can recharge your battery, revitalize your social networks, and reduce stress/anxiety.
6) Maintain a healthy diet: this goes along with staying active. Stay healthy, both in terms of exercise and in terms of eating. Now don't go crazy here, you don't want to make yourself miserable by being the food-police, just be conscious of what is going into your body. And allow yourself some leg-room to cheat once a week or so!
7) Set goals: when people are feeling depressed, aimless, or like they are just going through the motions, often times its because they are lacking general direction. Set realistic goals for yourself so you are continuously aiming at something, this is a practice known as positive dissonance (you are constantly reaching for a new goal you set, thus you are always striving further and further even if you accomplish a goal along the way). Importantly though, one must not take this too far and find no joy in overcoming a given sub-goal; this will prove to demoralize the individual. You should celebrate your successes! Each and every one of them, and then push yourself to be even better. Once you reach your goal, set another one to get even further! This will constantly drive you, give you reasons to celebrate as you attain goals, and will increase your general level of content and mental health.
8) Balance free time: this is very important! Don't let yourself just lay in front of the TV. That is actually conducive to depressive environments. Relax, watch some TV, read a book, go for a walk, spend time on your hobby. Do it all, not just one of them.
9) Examine your locus of control: in the midst of your self reflections, it is important to examine just where your locus of control is. Are you blaming everyone else for things? Or are you taking on all the fault? Nothing is one sided, remember that. Especially if your depression is focused around relationship woes. Think of what you really did, what others really did, accept that its in the past and that the best thing to do now is learn from it and live on to never make that mistake again!
10) Don't be afraid to seek help: It is a great shame that seeking out mental health professionals in America has become a taboo or secretive endeavor! If you are worried about your mental health, you should be proud of yourself for putting forth an effort to improve yourself. If you are in the general area, I would recommend a recovery-based treatment center such as the Mental Health Center of Denver, or MHCD. The only shame in finding help is not getting help when you can benefit from it!
For some great links to free, cutting-edge psychological research publications, access MHCD Research and Evaluation team's mental illness research page. Or, to find out what a recovery-centered community mental health center is like, access the MHCD Home Page link above.
Stay healthy, stay happy!
Lex Douvasa
Check out the Research!
Check out the Research!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lex_Douvasa
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2615483
- Monday, April 16, 2012
By Subhajit P. Roul
Golf is actually a fun and rewarding sport, with many health benefits. Golf is something everyone can learn. This article can help you to improve your golf game in several different ways.
Before your shot, stand back and study where you're going to send the ball. At this time, you also need to factor in the wind and other conditions. Taking this extra time to think about your swing will significantly increase accuracy. Moving forward to hit the ball, you will have more control over where you want the ball to go.
It is imperative that you find a set you are comfortable with to play the game. Remember, people a hundred years ago were playing with wooden clubs. So, why is it that people need the fancy titanium clubs?
Keep proper alignment with your feet. This will help you improve your swing. You want to line up your feet perpendicular to the direction you want the ball to travel. You can check that you are doing this correctly by putting the club parallel to your toes; the tip of the club will be pointing towards the ball's potential path.
Stand in the proper position in order to make your golf game better. You have a better chance to get maximum distance if you maintain a consistent body position with your swing. Slouching during your shot will ensure that your ball doesn't go very far at all.
If you find a sand trap, think about the next golfer. Try to take some time to rake up the area that you took the swing at. When you leave your prints behind for other golfers, they can become agitated. Things like your foot prints or club divots shouldn't be there after you leave. Once you help your ball escape the bunker, grab the rake to smooth the affected area so the next victim has the same fair chance of their escape.
Consult a professional if you're thinking about buying new golf clubs. This is crucial since you need to know what clubs work best for you and so you can get information on the latest clubs.
Concentrate on your swing speed if you have to contend with a long putt. Aim for a target near the hole, rather than aiming directly at it. This will help you to moderate the speed and direction of your putt, preventing a painful overshot or too short of a shot.
Make sure that your entire party keeps track of whose ball is whose by reading off the number and brand name found on each ball. This way, when two balls are hit near each other, you can make sure that you hit the correct ball and avoid unnecessary penalty shots.
To help swing a golf club properly, you need to have a good grip. If you have a correct grip, you will be able to hit every kind of shot. It is important to grip with your glove-hand correctly so that you can make better shots.
In the morning grass is generally still damp, so if your preference is to play a round of golf then, don't wear golf shoes that are sneaker styled. Although there are certain waterproof brands, most golf shoes of this type will get soaked when the grass is wet.
Spice up your next round with the guys by putting a little reward on the line. For example, you can have the losers buy lunch or drinks for the winner. Even if you do not put up a high-value prize, the motivation of an added prize may be enough to give an edge to the game.
Regardless of whether you are in a rush to make your tee time, try to squeeze in a few shots at the range before heading to the first tee. By adopting this strategy, you can get warmed-up and dialed-in before beginning the front-nine.
A simple toe-wiggling exercise can reveal potential faults in a golfing stance. Try to take a swing, if you are having difficulty wiggling your toes while doing so, then you are leaning in too far in favor of the ball. Lean back until your feet are loose to ensure you have the correct posture.
Get golf shoes with some extra width to ensure that your feet don't get sore as they swell after a round of walking. If you buy golf shoes that fit you perfectly in the store, you may be very sorry and very uncomfortable by the end of your golf game!
If possible, when trying to improve your golf game, play with golfers who are experienced so you can pick up on their techniques. A golfing buddy or peer can be an improvement for your game on several different levels. You don't have to contact a pro to get help from a player better than you. If you take careful note of their style, you may find inspiration and motivation for your own game.
The benefits of golf cover both the mind and body, and the fundamentals of golfing are quite simple. You now know the basics of golfing and should start playing.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Subhajit_P_Roul
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6932318
- Monday, April 16, 2012
Thinking of an incentive travel beyond the beaches and
resorts? Think no further! Go to Banaue, Ifugao and visit the Rice Terraces.
The Banaue Rice Terraces is one of the UNESCO World
Heritage sites in the Philippines. It is a testament to the engineering genius
of the past. The rice terraces are a beauty that will put the big WOW to any local
or international visitors.
As an incentive travel a lot of activities can be created
to your staff to make their experience memorable.
Symbolically, the rice terraces are a testament to hard
work, creativity and victory of the human spirit that your superstar staff can
There are great hotels in Banaue and inns beside the rice
terraces. A cultural program and storytelling can also be thrown in to make the
stay of your staff in Banaue a rich experience.
The best activity in choosing Banaue is to conduct a
trekking activity which can range a half day to seven days depending on your
staff’s interest.
In addition, the wood works that is prevalent in the
different nook and cranny of Banaue is a feast to the eye. Even the food like the Banaue Organic Rice,
Banaue Tinola and Coffee is something that can be considered a reward itself.
Well, there is more to Banaue than meets the eye and,
definitely, a great incentive that can reinvigorate the staff spirit and love
to the company he belong with.
- Thursday, April 12, 2012
by Trina Yount
On a budget? Need some great summer health tips that are free, simple and easy for you and your whole family!? Health is important and shouldn't cost a lot. Everyone should have the opportunity to eat well, take care of their body inside and out. Some great tips on health are things you can do at home everyday and sharing them with your family. Without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on skin care, foods, health clubs and such here are 10 Summer time Health Tips for you to enjoy:
1. Sensible Diet - A sensible diet is the first tip for a healthy you year around. Not just summertime, but through out the holidays as well. A healthy diet consists of high fiber, low fats and a suitable amount of fruits and vegetables. Besides knowing how, when and what to eat, it is just as important to know your proportions for each individual. Keep your calories in a normal range and cut out foods that are "dead" - no nutritional value. Those Doritos will just have to wait! Remember everything in moderation not over indulgence.
2. Eat different foods everyday - Switch it up so that you keep it interesting and don't be afraid to try new things. According to the Ayurveda, the old Indian science of healing, the rotation of its nutritional habits not only fortifies the immunological system, but can also can protect you from the majority of the diseases. Wheat grass for example, not the first thing you may think of in the morning, however, wheat grass set your body into an alkaline state which makes disease and disorders struggle to survive. Shake it up and try new things in your diet that you might otherwise think to try. You might just find a new fav!
3. Don't Skip Breakfast! Skipping breakfast not only sets your body up for struggle from the start of the day, but a fresh energy source allows you to start out on the right foot. Balancing blood sugar levels, cleansing your body from toxins that might have built up overnight, and eating in regular intervals will allow you to balance weight better. Cereals, oatmeal, fruits and water with lemon are great starts to anyone's day.
4. Water- 8 glasses a day! We have all heard it a million times, and it still rings true. Drink your water! The water not only cleanses your body of toxins, but it also nourishes your internal organs and helps them to function better. Your whole body benefits from water and really needs it to survive. So stop being lethargic and dehydrated.
5. Exercise regularly - Walking, running, yoga, stretching, weights, anything you can think of to get your body moving. Doing physical activity not only helps your circulation, reduces bad fats and keeps your body detoxed, it also helps with anti aging and healthy skin. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride you bike or walk instead of drive. Any activity you can do to increase your blood flow, you are helping your self to become healthier.
6. Do not smoke - You know it. Smoking causes cancer and it quite unhealthy. So... find a way to stop, talk to your Dr and get healthy!
7. Reduce your Stress - Reducing your stress level will help you to live longer and help you to be healthier in lots of ways. Stress causes disorders, disease and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Find ways in each day to eliminate stress. Read, sit quietly, breathe, workout, anything that will help you decrease tension.
8. Healthy Teeth - keeping your teeth healthy and free of infection and disease will help your body to stay healthy also. Infections eat the bodies immune system and cause illness. Keeping your teeth healthy by brushing and flossing everyday will eliminate infections and inflammation. Dollar stores always carry dental supplies so there is a low cost dental resource for you.
9. Get your sleep - Your body and mind need sleep. Resting your body allows your tissues and organs to replenish themselves. Drink lots of water and taking vitamins will help too. Resting in a comfortable bed that suits your body will help you get a more restful sleep. Use relaxing techniques to help yourself fall asleep peacefully.
10. Brain Health - Take your omegas. This tip should really be number one, it is so important to your health. Most people do not get enough fatty oils in their diet to help with brain health. The oils not only help your focus and brain connections, your hair, skin and nails will show major signs of health also. Keep your brain fed with good nutrition too. The foods we eat are not usually filled with all the nutrients we need on a daily basis. Also, our bodies do not naturally supply itself with omegas.
Trina Yount | AlternativeMedicineDirect.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trina_Yount
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6277463
- Thursday, April 12, 2012
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This is like poetry where the rhythm hypnotizes you |
Banaue is part of the Philippines Mountain Province or Cordillera. The trip here if your starting point is Metro Manila is around 9 hours to 12 hours, depending on the route you take and transportation that you will use. But the best route to take is the Manila-NLEX-SCTEX-Cabanatuan City-Lagawe - Banaue route.
We went there this week with the purpose of having a vacation but the MICE professional blood in me wanted to discover the potential of the area as a MICE destination.
We went there using a private vehicle. We started to depart Manila at around 12:00nn and arrived there around 10:30pm. The journey is relaxing but a word of caution you should be careful when navigating Nueva Viscaya, Bagabag, Lagawe and Banaue roads. We travelled this area during the night and since the roads are part of the mountain areas extreme caution is necessary.
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Banaue Hotel perched at the side of the mountain |
The Banaue Hotel and Youth Hostel
This hotel is a government operated hotel under TIEZA. It is the biggest hotel in Banaue, Ifugao with ample parking space. When we arrived another infrastructure is being built I hope the purpose of that is for additional rooms.
The lobby hall can accommodate 200 people in classroom set-up. Also, there is an area that is good for 100 people classroom set-up in the covered rooftop area where you can see a great view of the mountains and rice terraces.
A room with a view
The best thing about the hotel is that all rooms have a view of the mountains and small rice terraces. Staying in your room is an experience itself that is very relaxing and brings you closer to nature.
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A Souvenir Photo of being in the Rice Terraces is a great memory for MICE Delegates that they will definitely treasure |
Eco Travel as an Incentive Travel
After the meetings or conventions, participating delegates can visit different interesting places in Banaue. Of course, first and foremost will be the UNESCO declared heritage site the Banaue Rice Terraces or a visit to Sagada.
It was recorded that our ancestors took 2,000 years to build the famous rice terraces.
The Trip to the Mountains is Awesome
If the attending delegates wish to visit a tourist spots, the journey going to the tourist spots is exhilarating. Travel the local jeeps or vans at the side of the mountain where sometimes you are 2,000 to 4,000 ft.above sea level. In going to Sagada before you reach Bontoc you will pass Mt. Polis a small community that is located at one of the highest point in the area. The clouds swirl around the community as fog. It is like reaching the heavens.
The Gentle People of the Mountain Province
The best element of having your MICE event in Banaue is the people. They are gentle, always smiling and easy to talk with. Of course, they know how to speak in English.
But if you want to know the history of the area, as an enriching bonus, there are licensed tour guides that can tell you interesting stories about the place. I recommend Jun Taguinay, a DOT licensed tour guide who is well versed about the history of his people.
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See great woodcarving at Banaue |
Banaue – A great MICE place you wanted to go back again and again
Associations and Companies can provide a great experience to its members if they use Banaue as their next MICE destination. It is an Eco experience that will always be on the top list of any tourists or MICE delegates if ever a voting or survey is conducted.
- Sunday, April 08, 2012
by Mikhail Tuknov
1. Relish your food. Time is a luxury many people don't have today. As a result, you have people rushing about their dinners, eating in front of the television, grabbing a few pieces of toast for breakfast and the like. This just won't do. By taking some time and chewing your food properly, you will be able to make sure that your digestion works efficiently.
2. Walk more often. Whenever you walk, you are actually exercising. When you have enough time, you might want to walk instead of ride. Why, with the ever-increasing costs of gasoline today, this activity might help you save some cash as well as give you the exercise you need. It is said that an average of 10,000 steps daily should help keep you fit.
3. Relax. Stress plays a key role in the degeneration of cells. If you want to keep looking younger, you should smile more. Learn to enjoy life. When you learn how to manage your life better and avoid stress, you will find that you have better health. Now that's something everyone wants.
4. No such thing as a six-second exercise. A lot of people are spending hundreds of dollars on machines that claim to exercise a person without doing any work. However, you should realize that there's more to exercise than muscle training. Using a machine to tone your abs won't work if you keep accumulating fat. You need to have cardiovascular training in order to truly use energy efficiently. You need to perform some sort of vigorous exercise which leaves your heart pounding and you nearly out of breath for more than 15 minutes at a time.
5. Be informed. Most people suffer from malnutrition simply because they turn to all the wrong solutions for their health problems. Before following a diet regime or buying a new gadget, you should really read up more on what is good for you. This includes food substitutions and get-thin-quick schemes.
6. Eat fresh and organic. Whether it comes to meat or veggies, you need to stop going for what's quick and start eating what's right. Fresh produce not only produces healthier meals, it also tastes the best. Don't you think that eating food full of chemicals with names you can't even pronounce can be just a wee bit dodgy?
7. Be active. Life is too short to waste sitting in front of the television. Be more active. Engage in some sort of activity where you actually have to move. Whether you are taking up rock climbing, martial arts, dancing or even if you just go out and buy an eye toy or a Wii, you should at least try and utilize all those muscles. If you are a retiree, you should try and take up tai-chi or some other activity which requires you to move all your muscles.
8. Set a goal. Whether you are attempting to lose, maintain or gain weight (yes, sometimes, it's better to gain weight than lose weight., you need to set a goal for yourself. Goal-setting will enable you to keep your motivation up, as it will show you what sort of progress you are actually making. Motivation is very important in keeping fit. Are you familiar with the phrase "let yourself go"? Well, that's what really happens. When you let go of your motivation, you let go of your willingness to be fit.
9. Cut back on vices. Did you know that 30 minutes after you quit smoking, your heart rate improves, your blood pleasure lowers and your breathing becomes easier? Smoking will kill you. If you want to improve your health just quit smoking. A glass or two of wine after a meal will definitely help you improve your heart rate. More than that, however, will just be equal to consuming empty calories.
10. Get help. You need some sort of support system in order to help you achieve your goal and keep on track. You might want to turn to a personal trainer, but that would require you to spend some cash. You should, instead, try to go to a friend or your family. Doing this will enable you to have a more personal contact with your support system and help you keep motivated.
11. Start today. It's all well and good to plan, but if you want to get healthy you had better begin immediately. Start being active today. Take action right now. Whether you drop that potato chip or go out running it does not matter; just do it right now. Procrastination only begets more procrastination and you never know when it might be too late.
These tips should help you make sure that you lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle will definitely help you lead a happy life. It's a simple equation that doesn't require a rocket scientist to figure out.
Exercise videos You get a super effective program that will shape up and slim down your thighs, abs and entire body.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mikhail_Tuknov
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1046961
- Friday, March 30, 2012