- Sunday, March 29, 2020
Man is affected not by events but by the view he takes of them.
They said between Stimulus and response is a big space where you have a choice. Today is the 11 days of lockdown, and if you are one of them that is losing hope or feeling sad because of your circumstances don't be.
There are a lot of positive ways and views that you can use in what is happening right now. For one, the air outside is cleaner, and the sky bluer. Yes, there are positive things happening right now.
Another obvious and heartwarming thing going on right now is how Filipinos are helping each other and honoring our front-liners that are taking a big risk in curbing the pandemic
We also see our citizens demanding our political leaders to do the right thing and calling out those that are abusing their powers.
Clearly, we are not affected by the event or we cannot be affected by the events if we have the right appreciation of those events.
Your reaction to the events is more important. And it is within your power how to react to our current situation.
- Friday, March 27, 2020
Wisdom lies in cheerful acceptance of whatever life throws at you. - Ancient Sage
Be glad these trying times is giving us time to reflect and gain insights from the different aspects of our lives.
Time abruptly stopped. Dark clouds hang over us. But it is in these difficult situations we are offered the power of reflection and self-introspection.
The situation is showing us what really matters most. Are you trying to seek an answer to this question?
Once you have emerged from these deep thinking, you will have a smile on that face. You will have the power you once did not possess.
A cheerful acceptance that you can overcome anything life throws at you.
This is how humanity and those wise people before us have survived and enjoyed life to the fullest.
- Thursday, March 26, 2020
The MICE and Tourism Industry stakeholders in the Philippines need financial aid from the government because of Covid19.
Most of the MICE and Tourism Industry players are SME companies that have limited funds and are easily affected by the current pandemic. Add to the fact that NEDA estimates that 30 million to 40 million jobs are lost because of the current situation.
The 14 Billion budget allotment for the Department of Tourism programs and projects is good news. However, tourism stakeholders hope that some of the funds will be placed as financial aid to the stakeholders and stakeholders’ staff.
Nobody saw this pandemic coming. The Philippines is one of the top 10 countries dependent on Tourism the effects are chilling. The possible financial stimulus that the Department of Tourism will infuse to the stakeholders can serve as oxygen that will resuscitate tourism companies gasping for air.
Now that the budget allotment is officially declared, the next question is will there be financial aid allotted to the stakeholders?
If there are the implementation guidelines must now be drafted and ensure the speed of distribution. The tourism industry stakeholders need this badly.
- Monday, March 23, 2020
So Covid19 happened.
An international pandemic engulfing every nation with fear. This means no mass gathering. For event management companies like us, it means no business.
In the Philippines, the government declared a lockdown for almost 30 days. A one week of no event or no activities is an eternity. How much more is that longer period.
As an event organizer, this is beyond our control. Let us focus on what we can control. Here are things we can do.
- Engaging Our Clients and Partners
This is the time that we must engage more with our clients and partners. Engagement focused on showing that we care. Definitely, their businesses are also taking a hit because of the lockdown.
Communicate with your clients and partners. Know how they are doing in this time of crisis. Let them know you are praying for them and their families.
This is the time that you cannot sell or ask for their business
2. Engaging and Keeping Updated with Your Associations
If you are part of different associations, the best thing to do is to share information and knowledge. What are they doing in this difficult time? Listening to their opinions can give you great insights into what to do with your business.
Your associations comprised of a lot of thought leaders, businessmen, and experts. This is a very important resource for your survival.
Right now, two of the best platforms for sharing information are Viber and FB Messenger. If you are added in very productive groups don’t leave. Maximize the gift of information that these groups provide.
If you are one of the leaders of your associations, show your leadership by providing morale-boosting actions. One of the best ways is to create an official statement that the government must know and act on how to help your association’s industries.
- Monday, March 23, 2020
“Hard sell marketing is a contradiction.” - Philip Kotler If you know what your market or the people is feeling now? If you know their concerns and fears? You do not need to hard sell. Marketing is about knowing the needs, wants and expectations of your market. In the current situation, what are those needs, wants or expectations? Is it ramming through their throats your products and services? That is so wrong. You are making a big mistake and a great disservice to your market. Don't be the vulture that hovers around dying people. Marketing is about understanding your customers, and right now they don't need to be sold. They need a helping hand. Give your hand. I know you are also hurting from the current pandemic. But when you go to your core values. The deeper reason why you started a business, you will feel be illuminated. You right it is not about making a profit at this time. It is about being human. It is about eliminating the dreaded C (Covid) and changing it to a better C (Care).
- Sunday, March 22, 2020

[Exhibitor Feature] JCS Pharmaceuticals, the exclusive distributor of Genacol, AgmaSet, Cefaly, Elmore Oil, Quinton, and many more products, introduced their products and gave free samples at the 54th Inner Wheel National Conference last February 28-29, 2020 at Okada Manila.
On this company feature, JCS Pharmaceuticals will share to us their product lineup, some of which are showcased in the said event:
Agmaset (for Nerve Health)

"AgmaSet is a novel, first of its kind, clinically tested, a safe and effective supplement for nerve health, containing only G-Agmatine, Gilad & Gilad’s proprietary brand of analytical grade Agmatine. Agmatine is an amino acid metabolite from arginine, present in plant, fish and meat foodstuff.
Our clinical studies demonstrate that consuming AgmaSet to fortify the diet with G-Agmatine is a safe and alternative solution for nerve health. This, in turn, helps you maintain regular sensory functions and nerve-dependent muscle strength and thus, preserves the good quality of life."
Genacol AminoLock Collagen

Genacol is Canada’s leading brand in Collagen Hydrolysate, used to help alleviate joint pains and keep them healthy. Using the patented Aminolock Sequence Technology, Genacol is 10 times more potent than any other hydrolyzed collagen in the market today. Best of all, there are no known side effects after the use of Genacol.
Genacol is an all-natural, drug-free, and safe-to-use food supplement. It is your answer to healthier joints. Genacol is a Philippine FDA approved food supplement. Ask your doctor about Genacol today.
Totum Sport
Totum Sport is a 100% natural liquid solution that provides our body with the 78 electrolytes we need to be well-hydrated.
There are more JCS Pharmaceutical products available on the market, including Cefaly migraine medical device, Femarelle food supplements which is a safe and effective option to alleviate their menopausal symptoms, ColBer food supplement, and Nasaleze nasal allergy/cold and flu blockers.
JCS Pharmaceuticals is among the growing companies engaged in the distribution, importation, and marketing of pharmaceutical products, nutraceuticals, food supplements and medical devices in the country.
Feature your company on the Ex-Link Events Blog. Join as an exhibitor in any of our upcoming events, and send in your details to our account officers. For more informatiom, call +632 8633-0153 / +632 8535-1150, or email info@exlinkevents.com.
- Wednesday, March 04, 2020
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.” - Willie Nelson
One thing I learned about the Law of Attraction is that thoughts become things. There is power in positive thinking. It is a million times powerful than harboring negative thoughts. That is why always be positive and combine it with hard work success is just beyond the corner.
- Tuesday, February 04, 2020
The Annual Communication (ANCOM 2020) of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines taps Exlink Management and Marketing Services Corp. (Exlinkevents) as Expo Manager.
ANCOM is set this April 22-25, 2020 at the Subic Bay Exhibition and Convention Center, Olongapo City.
The event will gather around 15,000 masons that will be coming from abroad and different parts of the Philippines.
According to the website of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines "Masonry is not a religion nor a secret society. It teaches man to practice charity and benevolence, to protect chastity, to respect the ties of blood and friendship, to adopt the principles and revere the ordinances of religion, to assist the feeble, guide the blind, raise up the downtrodden, shelter the orphan, guard the altar, support the government, inculcate morality, promote learning, love man, fear God, implore his mercy, and hope for happiness."
"Masonry is universal morality, which is suitable for all men regardless of race and creed. It teaches no doctrine, except those truths which tend directly to the well-being of man and thereby achieve better men in a better world, happier men in a happier world, and wiser men in a wiser world."
Mason members in the Philippines are businessmen, leaders in the government and civil society.
Companies that targeting this special group would benefit a lot from the engagement it will generate from the attendees.
For sponsorships and partnerships, email info@exlinkevents.com or call tel. no. 8633-0153.
- Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The 2nd Sales Breakthrough Conference
2020 is set this April 2-3, 2020 at Tower Club Makati City.
The 2nd Sales Breakthrough Conference is
the best Sales Conference in the Philippines for Sales Managers, Sales Professionals
and Sales Driven Organizations.
Sales is the lifeblood of the organization, no sales,
no growth.
It is in this reality that Sales Breakthrough
Conference was created. It aims to help organizations, owners, management,
sales and marketing managers to improve the different key result areas that
make sales management successful.
Last year’s Sales Breakthrough Conference attendees
are raving about the event. This year attendees will get additional value from
the conference because of the additional areas of sales management that will be
This year it is a two-day conference that focuses on Selling
Mastery and Sales Management.
The day 1 agenda is (Selling Mastery):
- Prospecting Techniques that Makes You a Winner
- Relationship Selling and Beyond
- Overcoming and Winning Sales Objections
- Powerful Sales Presentation that Produces Results
- Creating Differentiation from Your Competition
- Growth Mindset of Sales Champions
The day 2 agenda is (Sales Management):
- Sales Enablement: The Key to Unlocks Your Sale Success
- Account-Based Management: Building Lasting Relationship Profitably
- Sales Technology: Hyperdrive your Selling
- Improving Your Sales with the Help of CRM
- How to be Successful in Sales Coaching
- Building a Positive Sales Culture
Exlink Management and Marketing Services Corporation (Exlinkevents)
is the producer and organizer of the 2nd Sales Breakthrough
Exlinkevents is one of the leading business events organizers
in the Philippines. For participation and partnership, call tel. no. 8633-0153
or email info@exlinkevents.com.
- Friday, January 03, 2020