Brands. Logos. Names. While these three things are different from one another, they have a common purpose: Recognition. Each and every company or entity has its own image of recognition - a brand image. Times are fast, and we are living in a world where names get shortened, abbreviated, so on and so forth.
Here are the things you need to take note of quick to see if you or your company's brand image is in check:
- Markets. Match your brand to your ever-changing market. If you are targeting the youth, you need to pep up your brand.
- Age. If you are a hundred-year old company, chances are you constantly refresh your logos or branding to fit every generation. If your company has stayed in business for more or less than a decade, you need to see if your brand is appealing enough to This is a never-ending process as long as your brand
- Elements. Before every company had a great logo, they had a dozen of rejected logo concepts. Think about the shapes, the color, the typography, and the meaning of each of it.
- Culture. Your company's culture also tells the kind of brand you want to show to your potential clients. If you are a brand that promotes its employees' well-being, you got to learn the work-play-live philosophy that is common in today's millennials. A company's culture is reflected by even just one employee working in your company.
By further defining your brand image, you are further defining what people should know about you or your brand at first glance, so get going and keep your brand image in check.
Join the 2016 Customer Love Fest, which will be held at the New World Makati Hotel this October 20-21, 2016. Reserve your seats by calling 633-0153, 643-3887, 0920-981-4376 or email
- Wednesday, October 12, 2016