- Friday, August 26, 2011
As what an old adage goes
“music can change the world because it can change people”. Truly music has
captured many people in the world. And as we believe this is another way of
letting other people knows what and how we feel, when we are muted by our
words. Well, what is the relation of music on the upcoming event the 1st
Filipino Therapist Expo and Conference?
has shown that music has a profound effect on your body and psyche.In fact
there is also a growing field of health care as Music Theraphy which uses music
to heal. Music Therapy is an allied health profession and a field of scientific
research which studies correlations between the process of clinical therapy and
biomusciology, musical acoustics, music theory, psychoacoustics and comparative
musicology. Music therapists are found in nearly every area of the helping
professions. Some commonly found practices include developmental work
(communication, motor skills, etc.) with individuals with special needs,
songwriting and listening in reminiscence/orientation work with the elderly,
processing and relaxation work, and rhythmic entrainment for physical
rehabilitation in stroke victims.
In line with this
growing demand for the Music Therapist, the 1st Filipino therapist is
privileged to have one of the Practitioners on the said field. Ms. Celeste
Sanchez a Music Therapist will share her knowledge and wide experience on this
very specialized field.
Ms.Sanchez is armed with her own visions “to enable persons with developmental
disabilities overcome their traumas and become creative, productive,
self-reliant whole persons and a mission of providing special education, training,
livelihood assistance, rehabilitation and development to persons with
developmental disabilities, through music and arts therapy, including the
physical, psychosocial, intellectual and spiritual well-being of the
beneficiaries”. With this surely she will be able to help us realize that music
can be consider as a helping aid and will definitely share broad knowledge and
own experience as she manage and encounter instances that lead her to the music
therapy industry. As she continuously reaching the goal she
manage to have found founder and
chairman of several organization named Divine Mercy Mobile Center of Music
& Arts Therapy, Celestials little Angels Foundation, Inc., and
PhilipineAsociation of Music and Arts Therapist which are a non-government organization
that mainly promotes and provides learning,training, rehabilitation and develop
ones disability through music arts and therapy.
Ms. Sanchez has put up recitals that showcase that disabled were able to
do things that some taught they can she still
did not consider herself yet as a Music Therapist. Until the time has come that
her work was being noticed she was then consider as a Music therapist. Ms.
Sanchez has also written two books that were entitled What Music Theraphy Did
to George (2005) and Special Songs for Chilren (2005). She is an
undergraduate of Master in Special education in De La Salle University, has the
Master Classes in Piano in St. Scholastica’s College, Bachelor of Education in
Asian Institute of Arts & Sciences, and has undergone into Choral
Conducting & Choral Arrangement in University of the Philippines.
- Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The process is like trekking the top of Mt. Everest (need
I say more). Researching and creating a bid proposal is no easy task.
God is in the details. One missed
detail and it might spell the difference to profitability or success of the
event. Actually, the first thing is the event organizer winning the bid.
3. Creative
Bidding is a creative process. You must have a vision
to see the end of the tunnel. You must have a laser eye to see what will happen
to the event from start to finish.
Team Effort
No bid is an island. It is a byproduct of
collaboration. It is a handmade of a lot of people.
Cloud 9
Winning a bid is like being placed
in Cloud 9. The process it took to create the bid, present the bid and win the
bid is long and winding; and winning it is a spectacular moment that all event
organizers will always wanted to undergo.
- Thursday, August 18, 2011
1. Continuity
A Tourism Plan was crafted and we spent
Million of pesos for this. I just hope that there will be continuity of the
good projects and action that was started under his term
2. Timeliness
We are in a middle of the biggest
event of MICE where every one of the industry players are celebrating and
looking forward to the glorious future of a unified MICE industry. Then this
sad story explodes in our face. It is not a good sign for our international
buyers and visitors that attended MICECON.
Anyways, the Philippines are a beautiful country and product
for tourism. For the MICE Industry to prosper a unified action – one that set
aside personal interest and upholds the country’s interest is the key to make
it again of the top MICE destination in Asia and the World.
- Wednesday, August 17, 2011
1. Festive
Colorful dancers and anime cosplayers
welcome the delegates as they enter CICC. During the night, the intensity of
the dancers become more intoxicating as they grew in numbers and their
performance becomes higher.
Food overflow – colorful and delicious. Local and innovative. I gained a lot of pounds in the belly as a result.
MICECON was held alongside ONE Cebu exhibition so the Cebu business industry is in full display – furniture, foods, and crafts. A lot of goodies to see, buy and be part of.
MICE is a small industry in the country. You find your friends this makes the event the more enjoyable
Friends (New)
Food overflow – colorful and delicious. Local and innovative. I gained a lot of pounds in the belly as a result.
MICECON was held alongside ONE Cebu exhibition so the Cebu business industry is in full display – furniture, foods, and crafts. A lot of goodies to see, buy and be part of.
MICE is a small industry in the country. You find your friends this makes the event the more enjoyable
Friends (New)
Of course, automatically new friends are
gained makes your circle of influence bigger.
Event Design
Event Design
The stage is clean and design
simple but wow. Lighting designs are right for the event and mood that the event
wants to convey.
Fashion Show
I love the fashion show where the collection of Cary Santiago was shown. It gives exuberance so fresh like an air that blows cold in your face. Indeed, refreshing.
Quality Networks
It not only about friendships, MICECON 2011 instantly gave quality networks that will eventually be instrumental in future business projects and endeavor.
The DOT Secretary, Two Provincial
Governors, City Mayors, and Tourism Industry Leaders they are all here.
Great Speakers, Great Topics
Great Speakers, Great Topics
All across the globe they come here to
preach how to maximize MICE. Longtime ago, we used to be leader in Asia in this
industry, but forget about the past, it is time to hit the ground running
- Friday, August 12, 2011
The yearly
spectacle for the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Events and Exhibition
industry starts today.
Last year’s
event was something of a magical wonderland; this is the reason why I am so
very looking forward for what is in store for MICECON 2011 here in Cebu.
Yes, the trip
for an entertainment show in the Cebu Bilibid Prison is something to look
forward to. However, I am keenly waiting who will shine in year’s event for the
thematic costumes. This particular part of MICECON brings out the best in all
the members of the industry. Also, a feature something everyone gets awed or
amazed with.
Don’t get me
wrong, the learnings and networks to be generated here is tremendous. But in
this industry, we do this every day – learn and network. This is the reason the
sideshows are the main shows for all the delegates.
Ohh well I
really can’t wait for MICECON now that I am here in Cebu and this afternoon is
the first day of the event.
- Thursday, August 11, 2011
Negosyo Power Expo is
set on August 12-14, 2011at Activity Center of Trinoma Mall, Quezon City.
It aims to provide
business and livelihood opportunities to the Metro Manila public by showcasing
in-demand business and livelihood opportunities.
Now on its third
year, Negosyo Power Expo is becoming one of the favourite expos that SMEs
choose when they wanted to promote their products and services using exhibit
marketing. It has also generated a following among visitors of the expos
proving the value of the event when it comes to attracting new business and
This year, Negosyo
Power Expo will have two runs in two different places. The first is at MarQuee
Mall and was met by a resounding success. An indication that the public is
clamouring to enter into entrepreneurship to achieve a quality of life they can
only have by starting a business.
“The need to reach out and provide business and
livelihood opportunities compel us to stage Negosyo Power Expo in the country.
We see the public benefitting from the event because of the expo”, said Mitch Ballesteros, Exlink Corp. CEO.
Negosyo Power Expo
boasts a lot of activities that aim to educate, enrich and entertain the
public. The activities are designed to motivate people to go into business and
create the quality of life that they aspire. In addition, the activities are
meant to deepen the understanding of the public to the importance of
entrepreneurship and the impact of creating a business to the economic
development of the province and country.
Some of the games and activities are Shake Drinking Contest by Dr. Pearl Cooler,
Photo Opportunity with Eldar the Wizard of Enchanted Kingdom, Dance Number by
Lifan Mascot and a lot more.
and learning sessions are Why Become An Entrepreneur by Mr. Erick S. Kalugdan, President, InfoTxt,
Personal Money Management for Ordinary
By Mr.
Alvin T. Tabañag, Pinoy Smart Savers Learning Center, Financial Literacy for
OFW Families by Mr. Articer
O. Quebal, Past President Bankers
Institute of the Philippines to name a few.
participating in the event are Brother Phils., Waki, King Sue Ham, Nestor
Distributors, Dr. Pearl Coolers, Foton, PLDT, Camaya Coast, Pacific Wave
Resort, Generika Drugstor, Bioessence and a lot more.
For more
information, contact 643-3887 or visit www.exlinkevents.com or email info@exlinkevents.com.
- Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Of course, there are a lot of decision makings that goes on
when there is an event. Pre-event requirements demand a lot of decision
makings. Some easy and some needs a lot of time before a decision must be made.
But one of the most difficult situations that need a
decision in events management is during typhoon or inclement weather. Weather
and environment is always part of the matrix in risk factors; we need badly a
risk factor plan to address this concern. Yet, even if there is already a plan
it is still difficult to decide whether to cancel and move the event to another
date when there is a typhoon or projected typhoon to come.
Take the case of this upcoming youth conference that expects
5,000 students, some of the delegates are coming from the province so the risk
is too great. Even to students living residing in nearby places the risk of traveling to flooded highways
and routes is big.
So what now?
The best decision always varies but in this particular case,
the decision was to cancel the event and move it to another date. This decision
is the best in my opinion. However, the cost implication like the venue not
agreeing to move the event to another date and charging twice for the date that
the venue was not used and the date where the event will be move.
Indeed, we are talking to a big sum of money and emotions
will run high when it comes to financial implications.
Although if we take the high road, everybody will agree that
safety and security of the delegates is the most important reason to cancel and
move the event. This makes the decision acceptable and the financial loss (if
ever the venue is not lenient) trivial.
- Wednesday, July 27, 2011
When projects in events management pour in and you can’t
handle it anymore there is only one way to face it and that is cooperate with
your competitors and industry members.
Try as you may, there will come to a point that you will not
be able to serve all the clients. Even if you think that to share projects with
competitor is the antithesis of killing competition. In first place, nobody
said that you have to kill competition. No we you must not kill but strive to stay
ahead of the competition.
The funny thing is the more you share projects with your
competitor or industry members you grow. It is called synergy in coopetition.
Two words that you must keep in mind.
Two words that will place you ahead of the curve – so ahead
that you will feel that Usain Bolt is a slow runner.
- Monday, July 25, 2011
Yes, it is similar to a rain. This is the reason I called it
downpour. Have you ever felt it a situation where you are inundated by a lot of
projects and you just smile and take it. As this situation continues you become
selective and just take those things that you can deliver and beg off to things
you cannot deliver or is out of your competence?
But before these things happen the most important question is
how does this downpour occur? I can find two important factors and this is
worth discussing in depth but not today.
I believe that the cause of downpour is our REPUTATION AND
COMPETENCE on the field we are working with. These two factors give us the
SPEED OF TRUST that the clients are giving us.
What are the manifestations of the Trust? Of course, projects
left to right.
Definitely, this is the downpour I am talking about the
projects where in the normal rain you open your umbrella so that you will not
get wet. In our case, we open the umbrella and use it as a bucket to catch all
that we can catch and bask at the feeling of being wet with projects.
- Thursday, July 21, 2011