Today is the first of a series of events that EXLINK and SM
Global Pinoy will provide to the public, an event that aims to provide value to SM’s
Global Pinoy members and to the malling public. The event is about FREE
ENTREPRENEURSHIP SEMINARS given by Entrepreneurs themselves.
In a way it is like giving back and helping others to also
find their place in the sun (for this matter in the field of business).
The data that 99.6% of the business in the Philippines is
comprised of Small and Medium Enterprise is already an explanation of how
powerful starting a business can be to an individual. It means anybody with the
passion and determination can an entrepreneur. It means that anybody with value
to offer can be part of the growing number of people entering the field of
start-up business.
It precisely means that with a big heart it is not hard to
be an entrepreneur. In fact, the hardest part is how to sustain and grow it.
In my conversation with an official from Bureau of Small and
Medium Enterprise Development (BSMED) she mentioned that Metro Cities are
already saturated with business education and that entrepreneurship is very
vibrant. Events, expos and exhibition on Entrepreneurship are very evident in
Metro Manila.
I remember during the early days we are one of the first
organizer to produce an entrepreneurship expo, we called it “Hobbies Turned
Business Expo (H2B)” it was a huge success, it was then year 2001.
At present, the explosion of entrepreneurship event and
shows is very BIG. Everywhere we are flooded with information urging us to be
entrepreneurs – and we should be!
We need to help ourselves and our society and one of the
best highways is Entrepreneurship.
So as I say this, I am preparing for my talk at SM San Lazaro,
there are 16 malls that EXLINK is managing simultaneously. I am excited and
thankful that I am given the opportunity to share and that my group is given a
project like this to benefit a larger number of our population.
In this project, my belief that an event is high impact and that a good event can create a positive change
in the society has been firmed-up deeper in my heart.
- Thursday, March 24, 2011