- Monday, September 27, 2010
Right now the country and the event’s organizers, in
particular those in the MICE industry are consolidating their efforts in order
to prepare for a better future and a better platform that will be offered to
businessmen and international visitors.
I can feel the silent but excited gait of each and every
member of the Philippine MICE industry, and I know that things will become big.
There is energy, a united energy to compete and win in the
ASEAN region in terms of attracting events to be held inside the country.
I just hope and pray that the energy will be sustainable. If
this happens I don’t see any reason that we will overtake Malaysia which is now
the benchmark for running a successful MICE industry in the region.
- Monday, September 27, 2010
Last time I saw him in the Makati Medical City he can barely speak. However, the humour is still there. But seeing him one can sense the he has a bigger battle inside him. A battle that even his jovial personality is being torn bit by bit.
I was given a chance to hold his hand in our visit to the hospital, him being one of my idols, higher ups in the Entrepreneurs Society of the Philippines; I said to myself he can still win the battle he has inside his body. I can feel it; the energy that allowed him to propel Center for Pop Music is very much present during that moment.
Months later, I and my wife sometimes unconsciously talk about him, and we are happy to know that the last time we have heard about him he was on his way to recovery.
Therefore, it was a bit of a shock that yesterday my wife received a text telling that he joined our Lord at about 2am.fur
It is a sad story to add to two sad stories that we have received last week about close people we know having lost their love ones, also joining our Lord.
Indeed, death is so common that even if we have accepted it we are still in shock and we still feel the pain of the lost that it inflicts upon us.
I lost an elder who talks to me like I am his kumpare. Every time we see each other we will crack jokes, both of us having that gift of spontaneity always come up of mundane things to laugh about. Humour indeed was his best gift that I enjoyed and bask at experiencing his gift every time I am given a chance.
But most importantly, as an entrepreneur he serves as an inspiration to me and my wife to spread our wings higher and further.
His legacy in bringing music training as a successful business is one for the books. Honestly, I do not know him that much. But for the time that we have been together he has touched my heart. For that, I will always be eternally thankful.
S’ Butch Albaraccin from where you are I know that the Master has now assigned you to be one of the master trainers in making heaven an even more musical and entertaining place to be in.
- Friday, September 17, 2010
The first Tree500 Movement tree planting activity in Barangay Calawis, Marikina Watershed, Antipolo City |
I was zapping my remote control for T.V. at a frantic pace when I stumble with Disney Channel showing WALL-E, I watched it in the cinema with my family and watched it in DVD and yet here I am glued in the T.V. screen watching the movie for the 3rd time.
Why? You see I cannot help but fall in love with the love story of WALL-E and EVE. It is a relaxing love story. Second and most importantly, the story is about humans stranded in the outer space because the Earth is not liveable anymore.
In the story, humans have become lazy and fat because they have forgotten how to use their limbs resulting to atrophy of sorts. Also, humans are controlled by a supercomputer that is programmed to prevent them from going back to Earth.
I like the scene where the plant in a can is the key for the spaceship to be programmed back to Earth. It shows how important are plants and trees in our world. It shows how plants and trees is the most effective measure that Earth is liveable. The plants and trees disappearing spell humanity’s end. I know we all don’t want this to happen.
So having enjoyed WALL-E allow me to invite you to the second run of Tree500 Movement’s Tree Planting Activity this coming October 23,2010 at Barangay Calawis, Marikina Watershed, Antipolo City.
Tree500 Movement is an organization that aims to plant a minimum of 500 trees in every tree planting activity it conducts. It is also a tree planting activity that has a line-up of interesting activities other than tree planting (e.g. nature awareness orientation).
Right now, the focus of the movement is to increase bamboo tree in all riverbeds of the Marikina Watershed. Most especially, near the bridges of the communities residing around the watershed. It is said that bamboo trees are the most effective deterrent to soil erosion. Also, when it grows its roots spread as far as six meters and, since it is identified as related to grass, a single bamboo tree can produce many sub trunks forming a bigger and wider bamboo tree in its mature age.
I know I have said too much but I can’t help my excitement because the first tree planting activity was just last month and here we are again.
- Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cabalen Chain of Restaurants supports Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo (KPE) slated this November at Trinoma Mall Activity Center.
Cabalen’s support only strengthens Kabuhayang Pinoy’s vision to be one of the tools in promoting Pinoy Hobbies and Passion into Business.
Cabalen is one best example of the passion for food being converted to a successful and well loved business by Filipinos. Right now Cabalen is on its 24th year and is getting stronger proof that having a passion that you loved and turning it into a business is an open secret formula for those aspiring entrepreneurs.
More hobbies and passion turned into business will be showcased in this year’s Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo (KPE). So for those who have a dream, the opportunity to see like minded people is one of the benefits of attending this event.
The event is produced and organized by EX-LINK Management and Marketing Services Corp. for more details visit www.exlinkevents.com
- Thursday, September 16, 2010
Now it comes to pass, the long wait to have a grab of the last book that is the Mocking Jay – the last book in the trilogy of Suzanne Collins.
Lucky me without knowing it that the book launching was ongoing at Bestseller Robinson Ortigas, it is a real treat – a fan like me being one of the first to have a hand in this wonderful and much awaited book.
The story is so fast and furious that before I knew it I have finished reading it. This is how good and engaging the story is.
Once you are immersed in the world of Panem there is no going back. You become one of the district 13 wanting to topple the Capitol and energize every time you hear or see the Mockingjay (Katniss Everdeen) forwarding your dream for freedom.
This is the power of symbol at work. In the story the media as the medium for showing and spreading the message of the Mockingjay is what sticks to mind. It shows the power of communication and how to make it attached to the viewers and listeners. It shows how to create a lasting change once a group has identified a rallying point to a certain cause.
Creating a perception – a winning perception compared to its distant reality, this is what catapulted district 13 to victory.
In our present day, advertising and many forms of media dominate our perception of reality. Understanding that it is not reality is very important. Having a critical mind will help in determining this.
Indeed, finishing the book is one memorable event for me as it reinforces some of the thinking I have with media, communication and perception.
It is hitting two birds in one stone; you are entertained and educated at the same time.
I hope that the author has other brilliant plots and stories under her sleeves for she is a great writer to have.
- Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Life as we all know is a very complex matter. One of its complexities is our economic survival. Livelihood as others may want to call it. In this age where speed is the norm of the day, we find ourselves confused on where to source our livelihood.
Good thing that entrepreneurship is a word spreading like a wild fire in our country. Entrepreneurship is an attractive path that allows you to control your destiny in the aspect of your economic wellbeing. Another positive about this is the widespread Filipino business opportunities being offered left and right. All you have to do is find the right event where you can tap the opportunities readily available for you to start your own business.
When it comes to events to realize your business objectives Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo is a dependable event to provide you with a variety of business opportunities ripe for your picking.
Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo slated this coming 5,6 and 7 at Trinoma Mall Activity Area is an event that aims to provide affordable business packages offered by almost 100 exhibitors to people like you who are trying to find a business that will serve as your companion in providing you the economic wellbeing you so desire.
The expo will showcase franchising and dealership on the following areas of your interest like food, fashion, health and beauty, cars, finance, technologies, and services.
It will also provide you FREE Business seminars that will solidify your knowledge and commitment to have a business that you can work on immediately to start you exciting journey as a business owner. The event is expecting thousands of visitors to gather and engage with different Filipino businesses promoting and encouraging people like you to be partners of their business organizations.
Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo is a unique event that shows you the beauty and power of having a deciding to choose a business that will serve as you economic companion in your walk with life.
The event is more than the opportunities presented in front of your eyes, it may already be an internal awakening closer but not exactly about spirituality. It is an awakening about how you can take hold of your destiny and economic status. It is about you experiencing “Eureka moment” on how to get on top of the hustle and bustle that is called life.
The event is all about you as a Filipino deciding to break free of poverty by running a business, and at the same time, helping others by creating jobs to the business that you started.
Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo is produced and organized by EX-LINK Management and Marketing Services Corporation. If you want to be a partner please call tel # 6433887 or visit www.exlinkevents.com.
- Monday, September 13, 2010
It is now halfway of September, the start of the “BER” months and our country eagerly prepares for the longest celebration of the most important season that we have – Christmas.
As we turn our homes to hues of green and red and decorate it with different attractive lights, a magical atmosphere envelops our streets and cities. Indeed, the spirit of Christmas is upon us.
The entry of “BER” months is also the start of Megabalikbayan and OFW Expo (MBOX) preparation to make its 7th run a very meaningful and enjoyable experience for Balikbayans and OFWs. Slated this coming December 10, 11 and 12, 2010 the event boasts 2,530 square meters of exhibition area and 220 exhibitors at the minimum.
This is bigger and better compared to the previous six years and the promise to serve its main audience (Balikbayans and OFWs) with various knowledge and skills in business, investment and entrepreneurship is the best to happen in December.
The exhibition area will have all the different start-up and medium size business concepts you can ever think of to make the Balikbayans and OFWs dream of owning a business come true.
Studies have shown that for OFWs to have a better and sustainable economic status he/she must learn how to invest and own a business. This finding is not rocket science because entrepreneurship will show anyone how to have a control of his/her economic well being. And if anyone makes a commitment to have a successful business then sky is the only limit one can experience in the area of success.
The exhibition have three components, first is the MEGA INVEST where you are presented with different properties, car, technologies, agri-aqua ventures, finance and investment exhibitors. Second is the MEGA EXPERIENCE where different destinations, health and wellness products and services, food and beverages, pets and hobbies are presented for the human senses to feast on. Third is the MEGA SHOP where discounted items, online sellers, and regional products are in full display for the wise buyers to enjoy.
The event will also have university business plan competition, dog shows, cultural shows and GAWAD OFW – an event where successful OFWs are recognize for their effort to better their lives by investing wisely their money on business inside the country.

As of this moment there are already around 10 OFW Associations that support this event.
The event is produced and organized by EX-LINK Management and Marketing Services Corporation. If you have any inquiries or wanted to be part of the event as exhibitor or sponsor you may call tel # 6433887 or visit www.megabalikbayanofwexpo.com.ph
- Monday, September 13, 2010
The hostage drama at Quirino Grandstand is a sad day for the tourism industry. It is a sad day for all the people who are working extra hard in creating an attractive Philippines for the rest of the world.
Our deep apologies to the Hongkong people. Most especially, our sincerest apologies to the families of the victims of the despicable tragedy.
Our resolve to work harder in making this country honourable just becomes stronger. Our resolve to make amend with this mistakes and the past mistakes just becomes compelling for us to accomplish.
We will rectify the mistakes we have committed us a country. We promise to provide you (the World) the best safety and security atmosphere you expected of us as tourist of this wonderful country.
We will honor this commitment for as human beings we know that we have heart you as brothers and sisters.
- Wednesday, August 25, 2010
What can we do? It seems there are a lot of worms in the can that is just now surfacing at the Philippine Airlines.
I will live with a facility that is old and decrepit but I cannot live along with people who are hurting and demotivated. How can they serve well if their soul are bedraggled.
Yes let us tell the pilots to love our country but when the stomach is aching or the respect to oneself is zero a catastrophic scenario is just around the corner.
Moreso, if offers on all sides of the globe is very tempting.
There is a middle ground. However, I think that this is a case of a lazy giant not having a competition that led to this quagmire. A giant that has become so relax that it forgot basic responsibilities to its people.
Haaay PAL.
- Thursday, August 05, 2010