- Monday, July 05, 2010
The battle cry is well written in everyone’s running shirt’s back, it will remind you each time you are about to give-up. There are 4,000 runners and on this fine day, each has reasons why they decided to participate in this great event.
I am talking about the Milo 34th National Marathon an annual event that exhibits runners and Filipino spirit of tenacity and bayanihan. This year the event is dedicated to giving shoes to less fortunate children in the provinces.
Each runner participating is equal to a pair of shoe to a child. I feel honoured that I have joined the event, that a child will have a shoes because of my participation is satisfying.
This is the reason we make this event an EXLINK event, all the members of the organization are obligated to join the event. It is an event that has a social call, and we can only say yes to this great call.
Of course, the branding of MILO in this event will go down to the deepest recesses of our hearts and minds because it is more that an event for profit. It is an exhibit of an organization that takes care and make sure that its social responsibilities are performed.
Congrats to the MILO Event Organizer! However, just one thing, I hope that the baggage counter will be orderly next year. Some of the EXLINK staff got trapped in the stampede because of this area.
Oh well, this minor improvement will not diminish the experience to be part of this event.
See you again next year!
I am talking about the Milo 34th National Marathon an annual event that exhibits runners and Filipino spirit of tenacity and bayanihan. This year the event is dedicated to giving shoes to less fortunate children in the provinces.
Each runner participating is equal to a pair of shoe to a child. I feel honoured that I have joined the event, that a child will have a shoes because of my participation is satisfying.
This is the reason we make this event an EXLINK event, all the members of the organization are obligated to join the event. It is an event that has a social call, and we can only say yes to this great call.
Of course, the branding of MILO in this event will go down to the deepest recesses of our hearts and minds because it is more that an event for profit. It is an exhibit of an organization that takes care and make sure that its social responsibilities are performed.
Congrats to the MILO Event Organizer! However, just one thing, I hope that the baggage counter will be orderly next year. Some of the EXLINK staff got trapped in the stampede because of this area.
Oh well, this minor improvement will not diminish the experience to be part of this event.
See you again next year!
This is a dream event for me. I will train to run in this distance, next!
The happy faces of some of the EXLINK participants
- Sunday, July 04, 2010
We, at Exlink Management and Marketing Services, see a bright Meetings, Incentive Travel, Convention, Exhibition and Events (MICE) in the country.
This is the reason why we wanted to bring readers information that will kept them abreast in the MICE industry.
Already international markets are looking at holding their meetings in our country, a reason that we have to be prepared.
When there are meetings there are conventions and exhibitions, two key components in making our economy dynamic and robust.
Having figured this out, we decided to have our own blog domain so that readers and followers of events, exhibition and convention can reach as faster.
Happy trip to all of us and may the Philippines MICE light shine brighter in the coming years.
- Friday, July 02, 2010
In the Tourism Industry, the excitement cannot be contained as to who will be the new DOT Secretary. Alas, P-Noy announced that the new steward of the tourism industry is none other than Sec. Alberto Lim.
From the tourism congress newsletter, it was reported that he has a 38 years of experience engaged in business, government and civil society.
He won several local and international awards under his company Ten Knots Development for environmental conservation. He was also an executive director of the Makati Business Club, a very active business organization in the country.
Many are expecting that Sec. Alberto Lim will bring his private orientation in the government institution. This mindset will definitely benefit the tourism industry.
From the tourism congress newsletter, it was reported that he has a 38 years of experience engaged in business, government and civil society.
He won several local and international awards under his company Ten Knots Development for environmental conservation. He was also an executive director of the Makati Business Club, a very active business organization in the country.
Many are expecting that Sec. Alberto Lim will bring his private orientation in the government institution. This mindset will definitely benefit the tourism industry.
Secretary Ace Durano in his term contributed to jump starting the promotion of our country in Europe and other parts of the globe, although the 3.2 Million visitors are very small compared to Malaysia’s 24 Million visitors. Having said this, much works has to be done.
The start of a new dynamic with the inception of the Tourism Congress and the Philippine Tourism Board is another thing that is worth watching. Plus the call of P-Noy to strengthen our tourism that is clearly indicated in the first Philippine Marketing Plan.
All in all, there is so much to expect and to look forward too.
We have what it takes to be the darling of Asia but we have to work hard because other countries are strategically placing themselves as the magnet of tourists. Actually, we must work much harder because too much politicking have affected our tourism industry that we are considered as one of the laggards in the world.
Secretary Alberto Lim our prayers goes with you and we will be here to support any actions that you take in uplifting our industry. Secretary the odds are against us but we are Filipinos, we never give-up and we are already in the bottom level of the ladder so there is nothing to lose. We have only one way to go but up.
- Thursday, July 01, 2010
The inauguration today of P-Noy is all about a fresh start for a country tired of the nine years of inept service by the past government.
All of the Filipino people pro-Noynoy or anti-Noynoy pin their hopes that a positive change will radiate in our country. I, too, am hoping for such change.
From P-Noy’s speech there are signs of bringing governance sensitive to the common people’s needs. Saying is a very different matter from acting it to be a reality, I wish that hindrances from making this much awaited concept of government for the people, and by the people be removed and eliminated on P-Noy’s ascendancy as our leader.
However, much to the high expectations we are putting on P-Noy’s shoulder, I wanted everyone to be realistic that this country is made up of 90 million people, and we cannot just entrust it to one man. Leadership must emanate from above and below, from everywhere to anywhere.
We have a duty to be a leader ourselves in running this country towards our dream of a Developed Philippines.
P-Noy will just set an example of how to be a leader in making a positive change in the country. We will collectively lead this nation. We have the supreme leader that as long as he is acting in accordance with the legacy of his father and mother, we can never get wrong.
Good luck President Noynoy Aquino may God give you all the gifts you need to steer this nation to greatness.
- Wednesday, June 30, 2010
It is hard to find eagles in our midst. If you found one do not ever let it go. If you are one, you need other eagles to sustain the heights that you have scaled or else the wind will knock you down.
This is the ordeal of being a leader, we always give to others but when it is our time to be filled we find it difficult to look for those that will fill us. As the saying goes, “you cannot give what you do not have”.
Luckily, there is an event happening this coming July 6, 2010 at Asian Institute of Managements. The event is “Reach Your Full Leadership Potential with Leadership Circles”. It is happening from 6pm to 9pm where you get share a seat with leaders like you and discuss leadership issues and how to go about it.
It is not a pedagogical exercise but a sort of sharing experiences coming from others is in a different industry. There will be creative fusion – this is a guarantee.
There are 7 reasons why you should be here:
1. Learn and share experiences from an intimate and interactive environment with members who have YOUR same interests!
2. You will gain fresh insights on leadership growth
3. You will be able to practice your mentoring and coaching skills
4. You will receive mentoring and coaching from other leaders as well
5. You can regularly reignite your excitement to lead
6. You can experience one-on-one executive coaching from the facilitator upon request (with a fee should it entail a longer discussion)
7. You need a circle of leaders that you can regularly connect with and get a third opinion on ideas
If you want to know details of this event, you may call tel # 643-3887.
Again, no man is an island and leadership is not an overnight endeavour but a continuing journey that can be enjoyable if you have other leaders to share your success, and learn from their success too
- Monday, June 28, 2010
Last time around I talked about how critical is managing time gaps in an event. I was elated that after writing that article a great example took place during the National Marketing Conference where I attended.
Ms. Matec Villanueva, Chairman of Publicis Manila, one of the speakers, showed a lot of creativity in not getting caught in those time gaps. The situation is this, when it was her turn to speak, her powerpoint presentation encountered a technical problem. It is not projecting in the big screen. A lot of time was spent trying to trouble shoot the problem. Alas, the trouble shooting activity took a lot of time from her presentation before it was projected to the screen.
However, instead of losing the energy of the audience, Ms. Matec Villanueva told a lot of stories, crack jokes and, even, dance to the enjoyment of the crowd as it gets involved with the antics of Ms. Villanueva. When everything is already ok, the audience is more pumped up and involved to Ms. Villanueva. It is like the speaker became a personal friend and her presentation became a casual conversation between two people.
She expressed why she hates encountering technical problems during presentation that is she does not like dead air.
I guess dead air brings more intensity to the meaning of time gaps. It brings more the emotion of enervation or a state of stagnation to a much more serious and deeper consequence.
Yes, dead air! We do not like it during events, therefore, we must labor hard to avoid this for taking over our events which we painstakingly created to be possible.
- Monday, June 28, 2010
You created a great concept and content for your event but placed in a situation where the next speaker is not yet ready, the stage is being fixed and, suddenly, dead silence emanates followed ebbing of the audience energy to the lowest level takes place.
Most of the times, this is what happen. We do our Daily Run Sheet but forgot to give special attention to time gaps that always happen in between topics or during breaks. We forgot to consider that in this critical period an enervating inertia may take place. Inertia that makes us slips within our hands the attention of the audience. Even, sadly, sometimes, we are judged because of this area which is critical but overlooked.
So next time that you are creating your Daily Run Sheet, make sure that you give a special attention on time gaps that take place inside your event and give it creative ways with the objective of maintaining the audience energy created at the start of your event. For sure, handling the time gaps properly will help you sustain the energy until the end of your event.
Most of the times, this is what happen. We do our Daily Run Sheet but forgot to give special attention to time gaps that always happen in between topics or during breaks. We forgot to consider that in this critical period an enervating inertia may take place. Inertia that makes us slips within our hands the attention of the audience. Even, sadly, sometimes, we are judged because of this area which is critical but overlooked.
So next time that you are creating your Daily Run Sheet, make sure that you give a special attention on time gaps that take place inside your event and give it creative ways with the objective of maintaining the audience energy created at the start of your event. For sure, handling the time gaps properly will help you sustain the energy until the end of your event.
- Friday, June 25, 2010
Mr. Cecilio Pedro, CEO Lamoiyan Corp. gives the Opening Address.
PMA President Nick Fontanilla Welcome Address
Mr. Jimmy Siybauco, This year's NMC Over all Chairman and Mitch Ballesteros, NMC Exhibit Chair
Exhibit Area enjoyed by Attendees
Mr. Thomas Fernandez, best selling author of Niche Dominator Success Secrets Exposed and me.
EXLINK staff manage the exhibit area and attend the conference.
- Friday, June 25, 2010
The annual National Marketing Conference of the Philippine Marketing Association opens today’s with more than 500 delegates, and 30 exhibitors and sponsors joining this prestigious event.
The event which runs from June 24-25,2010 at Sofitel Philippine Plaza has this year’s theme : Marketing as Growth Accelerator: Marketing in Hyper Speed.
The event was opened by Dr. Cecilio Pedro, President of Lamoiyan Corporation. In his speech, he hammered to the delegates the need to speak positive things about the Philippines and the Filipinos. The delegates gave him a resounding applause as a signal that they agreed to what he said.
After his speech, RJ Esteban gave a scientific and incisive presentation about Laying Bare the Customer Mindset – Loyalty or Infidelity. He mentioned that some segments of the market have two conflicting personalities that marketers must know how to manage. He cited Batanes as a figurative example to what he is pointing at, and the OFW market as one of the specific examples.
The next speaker is Thomas Fernandez, a Singaporean who wrote the bestselling books “Secrets to Dominate Your Niche” and “Success Secrets Exposed”. He told about his success story how he dominated the pest control and management industry in Singapore and now the Asian market.
Before Lunch, the last session was about the Certified Practitioner of Marketing (CPM) where Dr. Rohan Somawansa expounds on the benefits of being a CPM.
Other speakers of the first day event are Mr. Ricardo de Vera on “The Different Shades of Green and How the Green Marketing Can Grow Your Market and Sales in Hyperspeed”, Mr. Jos Ortega,CEO of JWT on “Trapping the Elusive Generation Y Market to Expand and Grow” and Mr. Goran Aleks, GM of Sofitel on “Tourism as the Country’s Express Lane Towards Economic and Market Growth”.
- Thursday, June 24, 2010