- Friday, March 13, 2009
The Entrepreneurs Society of the Philippines - a 20 year old organization will hold its first FELLOWSHIP NIGHT, at March 19, at 8:00pm to 11:00pm, Center Stage , Jupiter St., Makati,
Attending the event gives you the following:
1. Network
2. Create new business
3. Learn from your fellow entrepreneurs
There will be a registration fee of P700.00 for those who are interested to attend. See you there.
- Friday, March 13, 2009
Network with your fellow entrepreneurs and grow your business event if there is recession.
For inquries call tel # 643-3887
- Tuesday, February 24, 2009
3 Learning Opportunities that will give you leverage to your business!
Call tel # 643-3887 or email: events@exlinkevents.com
- Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mayor Edward Hagedorn will be one of the speakers in the Rotary's Saving Planer Earth Conference. He will be discussing " Effective Governance of People in Saving Planet". The event is slated March 7, 2009, at the Insular Life Auditorium, Ayala Avenue, Makati.
The conference is for FREE! Earth lovers it's a must that you attend! This is one great event you should not miss. For inquries visit www.exlinkevents.com or call tel # 643-3887.
- Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ms. Karla Henry, Ms. Earth 2008 will be one of the resource speakers in Rotary's Saving Planet Earth Conference, March 7, 2009 at Insular Life Auditorium, Ayala Avenue, Makati.
Entrance is free. For promotion opportunities visit www.exlinkevents.com or call tel # 643-3887.
- Monday, February 09, 2009
When I say capture a great number of your market I mean it (really!).
Exhibit is one of the best tool available in communicating your products and services. It is one-to-one communication that allows you to know more personally your market.
Exhibit is an environment that has the proper stimulus where the buyer approaches you because she/he is interested to have your products and services. This is a big leverage that you should maximize. Compared to newspaper ads, field sales, and telemarketing where you pursue the buyer; in exhibit the buyer pursue you!
If you want to try exhibit promotion here is the partial list of our schedules:
March 2 - Go Negosyo, World Trade Center
March 7- Saving Planet Earth, Insular Building Makati
March 19 - April 1 - Realty Expo, SM North Edsa
March 19-April 1 - Wedding Expo, SM North Edsa
April 24-25 Women Entrepreneur Expo, Crown Plaza
April 17-30 OFW Negosyo Power, Trinoma
April 30-May 13 Business Technology and Graphic Expo, SM North Edsa
See you there!
- Monday, February 09, 2009
Kudos to Center for Arts Foundation for successfully staging " Echoes and Dreams" a benefit concert for rape victims.
The concert was held last Friday and performers like Richard Poon, Ronnie Liang, Jed Madela, Mike Chan graced the show.
But all eyes where focused on the jazz singing diva Estella Ignacio and other Center for Arts Foundation Talents.
Kudos to Jerome Vinarao for making this for a good-cause-concert possible!
- Monday, February 09, 2009
The current global crisis can kill the faint of heart. Many already did ( No kidding!).But a special breed of group those that are molded to be one is taking the cudgels for our country. They are the entrepreneurs.
Our export entrepreneurs are hit badly but I believe those that are true to their calling will bounce back.
Why am I saying these?
Entrepreneurs are simply opportunity seekers. The more dangerous the situation is the more there are opportunities!
Our client developers are developing property in breakneck speed this year. Some of our taipans are continuously increasing their investment in some of their core business, to name a few, San Miguel Beer, Gokongwei and Sy's of SM are investing a great deal of money in this year.
So let us stop cowering in fear of losing our jobs because according to People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) 60% of the member companies are looking for new employees.
And what if you lose your job, it can be god send that the reason why you lose your job is to fulfill your calling of being an entrepreneur! This is the story of Mr. Butch Albaraccin, founder of the Center for Pop Music.
Again, fellow entrepreneurs forward march and let us continue the progress of our country!
- Monday, February 09, 2009
A lot of things are happening in a blur...
So if social marketing in the net is the thing in our generation will physical social gathering obsolete or a thing of the past?
But if not then will fragmentation continue to happen in the media?
If it does, what happen to our brain and attention span?
Can our brain take the tons of clutter in media and what happen to entrepreneurs seeking to get a chunk of the market if he cannot be recognized or seen?
Just thoughts that maybe some of you can help me out.
- Thursday, February 05, 2009