As what an old adage goes
“music can change the world because it can change people”. Truly music has
captured many people in the world. And as we believe this is another way of
letting other people knows what and how we feel, when we are muted by our
words. Well, what is the relation of music on the upcoming event the 1st
Filipino Therapist Expo and Conference?
has shown that music has a profound effect on your body and psyche.In fact
there is also a growing field of health care as Music Theraphy which uses music
to heal. Music Therapy is an allied health profession and a field of scientific
research which studies correlations between the process of clinical therapy and
biomusciology, musical acoustics, music theory, psychoacoustics and comparative
musicology. Music therapists are found in nearly every area of the helping
professions. Some commonly found practices include developmental work
(communication, motor skills, etc.) with individuals with special needs,
songwriting and listening in reminiscence/orientation work with the elderly,
processing and relaxation work, and rhythmic entrainment for physical
rehabilitation in stroke victims.
In line with this
growing demand for the Music Therapist, the 1st Filipino therapist is
privileged to have one of the Practitioners on the said field. Ms. Celeste
Sanchez a Music Therapist will share her knowledge and wide experience on this
very specialized field.
Ms.Sanchez is armed with her own visions “to enable persons with developmental
disabilities overcome their traumas and become creative, productive,
self-reliant whole persons and a mission of providing special education, training,
livelihood assistance, rehabilitation and development to persons with
developmental disabilities, through music and arts therapy, including the
physical, psychosocial, intellectual and spiritual well-being of the
beneficiaries”. With this surely she will be able to help us realize that music
can be consider as a helping aid and will definitely share broad knowledge and
own experience as she manage and encounter instances that lead her to the music
therapy industry. As she continuously reaching the goal she
manage to have found founder and
chairman of several organization named Divine Mercy Mobile Center of Music
& Arts Therapy, Celestials little Angels Foundation, Inc., and
PhilipineAsociation of Music and Arts Therapist which are a non-government organization
that mainly promotes and provides learning,training, rehabilitation and develop
ones disability through music arts and therapy.
Ms. Sanchez has put up recitals that showcase that disabled were able to
do things that some taught they can she still
did not consider herself yet as a Music Therapist. Until the time has come that
her work was being noticed she was then consider as a Music therapist. Ms.
Sanchez has also written two books that were entitled What Music Theraphy Did
to George (2005) and Special Songs for Chilren (2005). She is an
undergraduate of Master in Special education in De La Salle University, has the
Master Classes in Piano in St. Scholastica’s College, Bachelor of Education in
Asian Institute of Arts & Sciences, and has undergone into Choral
Conducting & Choral Arrangement in University of the Philippines.
- Wednesday, August 24, 2011