- Thursday, June 15, 2017
I overheard in one boardroom, the management team in a heated discussion if the company should tap an event organizer.
This is a very long discussion but for starter we at EXLINKEVENTS have two interesting cases in our experience. The first, an organization has not held a convention for the past five years. Nobody in their group knows how to execute an event. Enter us in the picture and they have a successful event last year, well attended and have solidified their organization’s membership.
The second one, they have barely two and a half months to execute their event and yet nothing has been started yet. For practical thinkers it is a no brainer, you must cancel the event. But they tapped our services and what have you but one of the best event if not the best event the organization has ever had, this as feed backed by their officers and members.
I am not saying we are heroes and all powerful. What I am pointing out is that
these two cases gives one conclusion: event managers and event management in the Philippines is a necessity and a profession that must be handled by professionals.
What looks like easy is not. It may appear simple but the ramifications of the requirements in executing an event can place you in a labyrinth of no way out.
Therefore, as I recommend let us outsource this critical task to the experts because it is on its own a big and critical matter; and there are experts on event management who sleeps and breaths in running an event and making things happen.
EXLINK Onsite – a division of EX-LINK Management and Marketing Services Corporation is one such group that eats managing an event for breakfast so why not give us a call and leverage the group’s expertise.
- Sunday, January 23, 2011
There are things that you should be prepared. One of this is to take part on this event. Click the link and know more...
- Friday, January 21, 2011
The start of the year ushers new promotion incentives to our dear EXLINKEVENTS partners. We call the incentive V.I.P (Value.Incentives.Promotions for our Very Important Partner).
The VIP promo is for the following events Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo, May 5-7, 2011, Negosyo Power Expo, August 26-28,2011, Look and Feel Great Expo, Nov. 4-6, 2011, and MegaBalikbayan and OFW Expo, December 9-11,2011.
It is a value for money promo that partners and upcoming partners can avail of. Planning is essential in this type of promotion and the earlier you plan and booked your exhibit activities the better. It saves you of committing knee-jerk reaction and more of maximizing your brain power.
To know more, read more details below:
The VIP promo is for the following events Kabuhayang Pinoy Expo, May 5-7, 2011, Negosyo Power Expo, August 26-28,2011, Look and Feel Great Expo, Nov. 4-6, 2011, and MegaBalikbayan and OFW Expo, December 9-11,2011.
It is a value for money promo that partners and upcoming partners can avail of. Planning is essential in this type of promotion and the earlier you plan and booked your exhibit activities the better. It saves you of committing knee-jerk reaction and more of maximizing your brain power.
To know more, read more details below:
- Monday, January 17, 2011
Now that the dust of the election campaign has settled it is time to buckle down to work.
Base on all economic indicators, like consumer price index and GNP, all is looking up. However , before anything else. Before we are drown into celebration, I would just like to request that President Noynoy Aquino and his government should prioritize in creating an International Caliber Airport.
Yes! An Airport that will awe the tourist visiting in our country. An airport that will symbolize our resurgence as a country that will grab the economic opportunity the changing world offers.
Each time I go out of the country, there is always that gnawing feeling that our airport is one of those lagging behind our Asian neighbours and the world. I know the same sentiment is shared by other Filipinos who wanted to showcase how great our country is in terms of tourism and doing business here.
No wonder our tourist visitors last year is only at three million while our Asian neighbours generated as high as 14 Million.
It is not rocket science, if we do not have the facility and infrastructure to welcome visitors we will not have visitors. Tourist visitors that can promote our country thru world of mouth when they get back home to their respective countries. Business tourists that can be encouraged to set-up shop in our country.
Even our three million visitors are mostly comprise of Balikbayans. A sad reality that does not augur well to our country.
We are declaring that we are embracing globalization and yet we are not doing anything to improve the access of our country to the rest of the world who are very eager to get inside, provided there is ease of access and security.
President Noynoy I know that the past government will leave you a big budget deficit. But please do not make it as an excuse not to create an International Airport – the country’s welcome lobby to the world.
I once attended an event welcoming a new tourism official, she said that our country is the heart of Asia. I like that and I hope the rest of the world can personally know that the Heart of Asia truly is something worth seeking and immersing for.
But only if the heart provides an accessible door way for those willing to enter – an Airport that is.
- Friday, June 11, 2010

Learn from the experts, immerse yourself to the wonderful world of entrepreneurship and business, grab opportunity by the neck!
Philippine Business Expo (PBE) gives you the edge. It gives you the exposure and different sets of business opportunities and quality network that you will need to give you the EDGE in starting a business.
Besides the EDGE is the bigger horizon that the event will provide you. More than the exposure is a change of mindset and a fresh look at the opportunity present in this time!
Get all of these benefits and more!
Philippine Business Expo is slated June 16-17,2009 at Mindanao Room, Sofitel Plaza.
Philippine Business Expo is slated June 16-17,2009 at Mindanao Room, Sofitel Plaza.
The best thing about PBE?
It's open to the public and there can no other best thing to happen to your time and effort that to rake in all the benefits that this event have for FREE!
It's open to the public and there can no other best thing to happen to your time and effort that to rake in all the benefits that this event have for FREE!
For inquiries call tel # 6433887
- Monday, June 15, 2009
I have a young team that youthfullness is what we can boast as our strength! Youth being the same as energy and passion.
Being in the event industry, it is a plus factor. However, the challenge is how to realize the potential of the team. The potential is there but to harness it and convert it to results that is the journey that we all have to take. Together we need to discover ourselves.
Our organization's culture and values are very much the heart of our edge in the competition. We do business for our country. We do business to grow this country to one of the most admired nation in the world, particularly in the business events category.
But first and foremost, youthfullness must be blended with maturity, to which we are now focusing our efforts alongside maintaining our service with our esteemed clients.
I don't know if I sound Greek. I hope that I am no over generalizing so as to make this discussion go to a plain that is perched in the philosophical. I don't want that! What I want is how to convert the fire in the eyes of our young group to a productive force that will serve our clients and achieve our vision.
Our vision is to be one of the best Business Event Organizer in Asia not to feel our egos but to generate business in our country and make the outsider consider the Philippines as one of their business destination.
There are others like us, but for now I am concern about our group. Hopefully as I write, all of the members of my organization is on the same page.
No matter what, right now we will meet head on what is in front of us!
Being in the event industry, it is a plus factor. However, the challenge is how to realize the potential of the team. The potential is there but to harness it and convert it to results that is the journey that we all have to take. Together we need to discover ourselves.
Our organization's culture and values are very much the heart of our edge in the competition. We do business for our country. We do business to grow this country to one of the most admired nation in the world, particularly in the business events category.
But first and foremost, youthfullness must be blended with maturity, to which we are now focusing our efforts alongside maintaining our service with our esteemed clients.
I don't know if I sound Greek. I hope that I am no over generalizing so as to make this discussion go to a plain that is perched in the philosophical. I don't want that! What I want is how to convert the fire in the eyes of our young group to a productive force that will serve our clients and achieve our vision.
Our vision is to be one of the best Business Event Organizer in Asia not to feel our egos but to generate business in our country and make the outsider consider the Philippines as one of their business destination.
There are others like us, but for now I am concern about our group. Hopefully as I write, all of the members of my organization is on the same page.
No matter what, right now we will meet head on what is in front of us!
- Thursday, June 11, 2009
An exciting event is coming to town. An event that is focused on teaching future entrepreneurs on the workings of Global Trade.
Even though at this point in time export and import is battered by the economic crisis, there is no way but up as the requisites for normalization are being addressed.
In the Philippines, entrepreneurship is going strong. Despite the crisis, there are a lot of small business that sprouted all over the country. These small business have the potential to make an impact in the global arena.
The Global Young Entrepreneurs Summit will answer important questions on how to go about Global Trade and Business. Participants of this event will have an edge compared to others. Prominent speakers coming from PHILEXPORT, PCCI, Marketing and Exporters will provide important know how to students.
Global Young Entrepreneurs Summit is a project of Junior Achievement Philippines. The event happens on July 28,2009 at PTTC.
For more details visit www.exlinkevents.com.
Even though at this point in time export and import is battered by the economic crisis, there is no way but up as the requisites for normalization are being addressed.
In the Philippines, entrepreneurship is going strong. Despite the crisis, there are a lot of small business that sprouted all over the country. These small business have the potential to make an impact in the global arena.
The Global Young Entrepreneurs Summit will answer important questions on how to go about Global Trade and Business. Participants of this event will have an edge compared to others. Prominent speakers coming from PHILEXPORT, PCCI, Marketing and Exporters will provide important know how to students.
Global Young Entrepreneurs Summit is a project of Junior Achievement Philippines. The event happens on July 28,2009 at PTTC.
For more details visit www.exlinkevents.com.
- Wednesday, June 10, 2009
As I watched the daily unfoldings in my country, I notice that events which is the industry I am in is robust. For the past six months, a lot of important, annual and ground breaking events have taken place. Majority passed the metrics of success that we are using.
It seems that one of the strategy that majority of the companies may it small or big is event. They are all working hard to make their relationship with their clients stick! They are bonding with their customers and non-customers in an attempt to hold them and get their loyalty to enable them to survive the tough times.
Budgets in advertisement is contracting but budgets for memorable events are expanding or unchanged. Most especially, business events like trade shows and expos are getting a lion share.
Even compared against online advertisement, in the Philippines events are way above if not above of online advertisement ( I still don't have a data for this but what I have are personal encounters with online sales and marketer and event organizers and managers).
The growing inclination to hold more events in this trying times proved that people wanted to gather and allay their fears and insecurities. Events gives comfort and relationship that each and one of us very much need today. This realization is what the companies are banking on.
Yes, events is here to stay!
It seems that one of the strategy that majority of the companies may it small or big is event. They are all working hard to make their relationship with their clients stick! They are bonding with their customers and non-customers in an attempt to hold them and get their loyalty to enable them to survive the tough times.
Budgets in advertisement is contracting but budgets for memorable events are expanding or unchanged. Most especially, business events like trade shows and expos are getting a lion share.
Even compared against online advertisement, in the Philippines events are way above if not above of online advertisement ( I still don't have a data for this but what I have are personal encounters with online sales and marketer and event organizers and managers).
The growing inclination to hold more events in this trying times proved that people wanted to gather and allay their fears and insecurities. Events gives comfort and relationship that each and one of us very much need today. This realization is what the companies are banking on.
Yes, events is here to stay!
- Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The Philippine Business Expo nears and you still got the opportunity to be part of this grand event.
The event is a big gathering of buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country.
See who's on the list
Asian Hospital and Medical Center
Asian Institute of Management
Philippine Seven Corp.
Landico Pacific Corporation
Meralco Financial Services Corp.
Sodexho Pass Inc.
Robinsons Mini Stop
Directory Philippines Corp.
Club Ultima
Enchanted Kingdom Inc.
Citi Bank N.A.
Enzio Ferrera
AZ Direct
Philippine Tourism Authority
Club Balai Isabel
Cactus Realty / One Pacific Place
What is Philippine Business Expo
Philippine Business Expo (PBE) is an event of Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). PBE is a concurrent event along side with National Marketing Conference on June 16 & 17 at Mindanao Hall Hotel Sofitel Philippine Plaza, which will gather marketing managers, owners, entrepreneurs and other decision makers of different organizations.
The exhibition will gather not only participants from National Marketing Conference but buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country. The two day event aims to congregate 5,000 visitors coming from different business associations, institutions, entrepreneur and OFW groups, and universities.
It will feature OPEN business seminars on entrepreneurship, marketing and sales, business management and business opportunities presentations while showcasing 70 plus exhibitors that will present different business opportunities to visitors.
Who are invited
Franchising opportunities, companies offering dealership, distributorship, multi-level marketing, trainings and consultancies, services, manufacturing, marketing products and services, technology and gadgets, inventions, home based business, cottage industries and a lot more.
What are your Benefits in joining
What made those companies join the Phil Business Expo. Find their secrets behind it.
1. Profitable Promotion mileage
2. Generate quality clients and new business partners
3. Sales, sales, sales!
4. Gain Learnings and new doable plans that will help boost your organization this year!
It's never too late to join! Book Now!
click here http://exlinkevents.com/index.php?option=com_mosforms&Itemid=7
Participation Investment: Php25, 000.00 only!
The investment includes:
- 2m x 2m exhibit space
- 1 chair and 1 table
- 1 flourescent light
- duplex convenient outlet
- over-all janitorial services and administrative services
Be one with these prestigious companies!
Book your exhibit now!
For queries please contact:
EX-LINK MGMT. & MKTG. SERVICES CORPORATIONTel. No/s: 63-2-643-3887 / 63-2-640-1280Tel/Fax : 63-2-640-1280 / 63-2-640-7439 E-mail: info_exlink@yahoo.com
Visit: www. exlinkevents. comUnit 1-C Soriaville Royale, 88 Sandoval Avenue, San Miguel Pasig City, Philippines
The event is a big gathering of buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country.
See who's on the list
Asian Hospital and Medical Center
Asian Institute of Management
Philippine Seven Corp.
Landico Pacific Corporation
Meralco Financial Services Corp.
Sodexho Pass Inc.
Robinsons Mini Stop
Directory Philippines Corp.
Club Ultima
Enchanted Kingdom Inc.
Citi Bank N.A.
Enzio Ferrera
AZ Direct
Philippine Tourism Authority
Club Balai Isabel
Cactus Realty / One Pacific Place
What is Philippine Business Expo
Philippine Business Expo (PBE) is an event of Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). PBE is a concurrent event along side with National Marketing Conference on June 16 & 17 at Mindanao Hall Hotel Sofitel Philippine Plaza, which will gather marketing managers, owners, entrepreneurs and other decision makers of different organizations.
The exhibition will gather not only participants from National Marketing Conference but buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country. The two day event aims to congregate 5,000 visitors coming from different business associations, institutions, entrepreneur and OFW groups, and universities.
It will feature OPEN business seminars on entrepreneurship, marketing and sales, business management and business opportunities presentations while showcasing 70 plus exhibitors that will present different business opportunities to visitors.
Who are invited
Franchising opportunities, companies offering dealership, distributorship, multi-level marketing, trainings and consultancies, services, manufacturing, marketing products and services, technology and gadgets, inventions, home based business, cottage industries and a lot more.
What are your Benefits in joining
What made those companies join the Phil Business Expo. Find their secrets behind it.
1. Profitable Promotion mileage
2. Generate quality clients and new business partners
3. Sales, sales, sales!
4. Gain Learnings and new doable plans that will help boost your organization this year!
It's never too late to join! Book Now!
click here http://exlinkevents.com/index.php?option=com_mosforms&Itemid=7
Participation Investment: Php25, 000.00 only!
The investment includes:
- 2m x 2m exhibit space
- 1 chair and 1 table
- 1 flourescent light
- duplex convenient outlet
- over-all janitorial services and administrative services
Be one with these prestigious companies!
Book your exhibit now!
For queries please contact:
EX-LINK MGMT. & MKTG. SERVICES CORPORATIONTel. No/s: 63-2-643-3887 / 63-2-640-1280Tel/Fax : 63-2-640-1280 / 63-2-640-7439 E-mail: info_exlink@yahoo.com
Visit: www. exlinkevents. comUnit 1-C Soriaville Royale, 88 Sandoval Avenue, San Miguel Pasig City, Philippines
- Monday, June 08, 2009