"And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’" – Matthew 25:40 NLT
With the ongoing saga on anti-drugs, our populace is now bombarded with the thinking of violence and state of lawlessness. The courage ("tapang") of the law enforcers to clean up our country from the menace of the society is complemented by the "malasakit," as discerned by the congressional spouses.
It is with this heart that the Congressional Spouses Foundation, Inc. (CSFI) heed the call of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) on programs for rehabilitation and productivity projects for the inmates that are increasing in numbers these days.
"The P50.00 per day meal allowance on jails have been a challenge so as with the supply allocation for jails that have been affecting the national budget," according to DILG Undersecretary for Public Safety Atty. Jesus V. Hinlo, Jr.
With the "MALASAKIT INMATE-PRENEUR LIVELIHOOD PROGRAM" of CSFI, BJMP and DILG, not only that inmates can become productive, but also they can become contributors in growing the economy instead of being part of the cost affecting the national budget.
A practical example is the cost of walis tambo or walis tingting which covers millions every 6 months. CSFI will buy materials from the farmers and provide these raw materials to the inmates to do the labor, then the finished products will be bought by the DBM as the main customer. "These shall be the supply requirements every 6 months in all jails in the Philippines, it can give jobs to inmates and can provide savings to our country. This can also help the families of the inmates who were left behind upon inquest of their brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers," according to CSFI Livelihood Committee Chairperson Ms. Aleta Suarez.
"The spirit of helping and kindness will surely make this program a success. Coupled with cooperation and proper management of resources including the human resource and raw materials, the enterprising spirit guided by proper business management knowledge and skills, this project can become an asset instead of liabilities in our society. So let us work hand in hand on this – Let the healing begin," said Ms. Alvarez.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2016