
GROW your business, join the Philippine Business and Entrepreneurs Expo 2019

Join the first and the premiere SME Expo in the country, the 10th Philippine Business and Entrepreneurs Expo set this August 30 - September 1, 2019, at Megatrade, SM Megamall. The event is for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) who are looking for new business partners and dealers. According to the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) in 2017 they have recorded a total of...

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6th PHILIPPINE BUSINESS & ENTREPRENEURS ’ EXPO Opens July 17-18 , Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall

The   Philippine  Business  and   Entrepreneurs’  Expo  (PBEX)  opens  on July  17-19 in  Megatrade  Hall 2, SM Megamall  with  over  200  exhibitors  and  participants. The  expo  will  feature   franchising  companies,  food  and  beverage  businesses, security  and  gadgets, transportation business, health  and beauty , travel  and leisure, direct  selling  and   distributorship companies  as  well as  business  services , business  solutions  and  government  agencies involved  in business...

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Telemarketers Event Profile | Conference Philippines

Telemarketing is a marketing communications tool that is still widely used. Majority of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and large corporations use it to create sales – in fact majority of them still consider it effective. Why is telemarketing, despite the technological advances, an effective tool? One main reason is that telemarketing can engage. Telemarketing is a form of engagement using voice-to-voice...

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20th Metro Manila Business Conference Set | Event Management Philippines

20th Metro Manila Business Conference |Event Management Philippines The 20th Metro Manila Business Conference, a project of the Metro Manila Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MMCI) under Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) will have Exlinkevents as its event manager. The event will be held this coming July 27, 2012 at the Manila Hotel. The event will discuss current business issues that...

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