Learn design thinking at the Innovation Master Class!
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Design thinking is an innovation method and mindset originating the Stanford School of Engineering, where it was developed and refined by decades before being picked up by the global business community.
Its fame arose when design thinking made a way into business circles, to the point that it is a global movement for human focused innovation, and a standard component of innovation activities in large and small organizations.
Design thinking, applied in the right way, can unlock tremendous innovation potentials. While Singapore has embraced its methodology with open arms there remain many questions around its impactful application.
This module is an 8-hour innovation deep dive explaining the nature of design thinking and its practical application. It aims to provide a solid foundation for creating better products, services, and experiences and maximizing new value creation through innovation.
The workshop is an intensive course incorporating best practices on conducting real-world customer interviews, interpreting primary and secondary sources and research, framing an innovation challenge in ways that maximize its potential, achieving a high quality of ideas, and rapidly testing concepts with actual users.
- Learn how businesses can use design thinking to build and scale a process around innovation;
- Understand what leading companies do to foster innovative ideas;
- Incorporating user-centered design into your innovation initiatives;
- Learn how to build internal engagement through a design thinking culture;
- Learn how to awaken creativity and transform it into business advantage.
The Innovation Masterclass will be held at the Tower Club Makati this June 23. The seats are up and ready to be filled with teams who are eager to integrate design thinking to their decision-making process, so don't miss out.
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