5 Factors to Consider in Event Management | Event Management Philippines

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

by Queenie May Camu

Events are widely acknowledged as the pregnant womb of possibilities. It is tantamount to both social and economic standing of different bodies converged in a place to meet their ideals and generate a substantial relationship. Putting it in a business construct, events such as conferences, seminars, meetings, product launches and exhibits are the vital tools needed by the business sector in effectively communicating their products and services to their target market.

One crucial requirement for an individual or a committee must fulfill in achieving a successful event is for it to be crafted intricately through a large scope of planning up to its smallest and finest detail. However, to avoid mishaps with these kinds of tedious events, event management should be supervised by seasoned event planners who can efficiently demonstrate their vast knowledge to certain issues and approach regarding financial and infrastructural mechanisms fairly provided in event management.

To give you an overview of what are the things we must take in consideration when planning an event, here are the five factors to consider in Event Management:

1. Objective of the Event

In planning an event, the objective of the occasion must be defined so that the transition of the procedures in event management will run smoothly and as planned. Also, it will serve as the foundation of what kind of treatment you are going to apply in handling the event.

2. Timing and Location

Now that you have a purpose, it’s time to settle for the convenient time and location of the event. The venue must be booked six months in advance to meet the date of the event accordingly. Moreover, we must also consider the availability of the facilities, accommodation of the attendees according to the the room capacity of the venue. If you are expecting guests from other places, you should consider a location near an airport or a hotel and to make it more comfortable and practical there has to be a parking lot.

3. Event Checklist

Event checklist can be considered as the blood of the event. You have to check it simultaneously if it’s in the right circulation or you’ll lose one great aspect in event management - control. It consists of responsibilities distributed to the members of the event committee be it in audio-visual equipment, amenities, catering, clean-up crew and  ceremonies.

4. Finances

Event management is also proper financial handling. For you to come up with a successful event you must formulate an accurate and comprehensive budget. In addition, it is advisable that you’ve taken account all the income and expenses including hidden cost and in-kind support from sponsors associated in the event’s activities. Always remember, do not overspend and ensure your staff to adopt safe cash handling practices.

5. Publicity

Publicity is the main core of events. It is a themed activity designed to attract the public audience and encourage a fun and vibrant ground for community connectivity. Nowadays, different publicity approaches are mainly influenced by mediums such as television, print, radio, and online, consequently raising awareness and exposure of the event.

With these five factors, you are now one step closer to

For the past 16 years, Ex-Link Management and Marketing Services Corporation skillfully piloted well-known events and established their own brand as one of the most credible marketing and management industry in the Philippines. Get in touch through (02) 633-0153, 643-3887, through SMS at 0920-924-2532 or 0920-981-4376, or through email at info@exlinkevents.com.

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