One Day Before the First Social Selling Seminar Hits the Philippines

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The first Social Selling Seminar in the Philippines is set, this October 16, 2015 at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas Center.

Tom Abbott, an International speaker and author will be the resource speaker. He is a sought after resource person in social selling and sales related topics in Asia.

According to Wikipedia, “ Social Selling isn't just a buzzword -- it's become a crucial way for successful sales teams to communicate with their prospects.

Social selling is when salespeople use social media to interact directly with their prospects. Salespeople will provide value by answering prospect questions and offering thoughtful content until the prospect is ready to buy.

Thus, the use of social media in sales allows salespeople to delight their prospects rather than interrupt their daily lives with cold calls and hard sells, eventually converting them into loyal customers. Social Selling is the new way of selling that sales and marketing professionals must master. Social Selling is born out of the social media explosion.

According to Sales Benchmark Index, a sales and marketing consultancy in the US that uses research in their business, some of the positive results of Social Selling are:

·      73% of Sales People that used Social Selling met or exceeded their sales quota;
·      Sales Teams that used Social Selling Techniques exceeded 31% more their sales quota compared to non-users;
·      23% of Sales People using Social Selling exceed their sales quote more often.

These positive results brought by Social Selling will greatly help attendees of the seminar who are mostly running Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

According to a recent data from the Department of Trade and Industry, SMEs account for 99.6 percent of total registered enterprises. Out of the 820,255 businesses which operated in the country, 816,759 were SMEs while only 3,496 were large enterprises. Of these, 91 percent (743,250) were microenterprises, 8.6 percent (70,222) comprised of small firms, and less than one percent (3,287) made up medium-sized companies.

The Social Selling ability improves the velocity of the transactions and  guaranteed  positive effect on the growth and development of SMEs. Social Selling know-how allows SMEs enjoy this expected effect. 

Social Selling Seminar will tackle the following salient points: Prospecting - find your audience, have conversations with prospects, generate sales leads, get past the gatekeepers; Positioning - demonstrate your expertise, differentiate from competitors, assess prospects' need; Presenting - delivers sales presentations, ask for the sales, get spin-off business and close the sale.

Business World supports the event. For more information, call at tel. no. 643-3887 or text 0920-9814376.

The event is produced and organized by Exlinkevents – Business Events Organizer in the Philippines.

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