3 Critical Areas SMEs Must Monitor

Monday, June 30, 2014

Having a business is a challenge. It is not a walk in the park. But it is also rewarding. To see you efforts and sleepless nights result into a growing business is a great feeling.

Here are 3 critical areas that SMEs must monitor to ensure the sustainability of the business, and maintain the great feeling of running a growing business.

1. Talent Pool

In the age of War for Talent, you need to ensure that you get the right talent for the job. This is easier said than done.

Also, you need to monitor the rising cost of acquiring, training and maintaining the Talent.

You cannot take advantage of the opportunities that knock on the door of your business if you lack the Talents to help you in maximizing the opportunities.

On the other hand, if you have Talents but their cost is higher than what the present opportunities bring to you, it means you have a losing business.

2. Competition

As the competition becomes tougher and the barrier to entry in your industry becomes lighter you must always be nimble and wired to the moves and actions of your competitors.

Think about Nokia and Black Berry, successful brands that failed to keep in step with their competitions.

Always study the competition and never rests on your past success.


 3.    Cash Flow

Cash is king. I was witnessed to a lot of businesses folding-up despite their strong demand in the market for one important reason they cannot pay the operation of their business because they lack Cash.

Cash Flow is the blood that continuously provides air to your business. Always make sure that your cash flow is good so that you can grab all the opportunities your industry offers.

You don’t need a deep pocket to maintain a healthy cash flow, what you need is a balance between your accounts receivables, accounts payable and cash on hand.

Again, easier said than done. But who says running a business is easy. It is difficult but fulfilling. A fulfillment you cannot event equate to money.

For more information and tips visit Philippine Business and Entrepreneurs Expo (PBEX) #pbex, July 15-17, 2014 at Megatrade, SM Megamall.

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