3 Lessons I learned from PMAP's Conference

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I love events managed by others or by us. PMAP’s Conference in Cebu is a great one with over 1,300 attendees and a lot of spectacular speakers and content - what you have is a spectacular event.

Here are three concepts that made a tattoo in my mind.

1.       Human Capital Management  remains an effective science for Human Resources

A term used for economic purposes, it is still one of the key concepts of the modern age as we move towards knowledge economy.  

The difference in the past and in the present, Human Capital Management is measured in different metrics and aided by an advance technology companies are able to pinpoint areas that Human Capital can be developed to reach its full potential.

I say wow even if the technology can only be afforded by big and medium companies, the potential to make people pursue further growth is immense. In the science of resource allocation developing human capital becomes the first priority of the organization who wants to compete and lead the race in their industry.

2.       Talent Management needs to be further amplified

The “War for Talent” heats up in the business industry as competition becomes crazy. Talent Management supports the Human Capital Management. One of which is to retain talents that are crucial to the continuing success of the organization.

It seems big words but talent management is crucial most especially now that organizations are dealing with Millenials or Gen Y talents who carry a different culture from past talents and generations.

Talent Management is crucial in order to capture true talents and in order to minimize the number of “hoppers” in the organization.

3.       Innovation is everyone's responsibility

This is no longer a responsibility of research and development, Innovation is also a responsibility of the Human Resources Department. I have heard a lot of discussions about this topic from the conference, I say the case studies are quite impressive, some ideas I am taking into our organization for implementation.

Of course, the learnings are not the only thing I went there, I observed the process of the conference, gain a few friends, and gain a few pounds (LOL!). Most importantly, I went back to Cebu to experience again the hospitality and warm smile of the Cebuanos.

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