Filipino Therapists Conference, Expo a Success

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Huge Turn-out of Delegates make the event a resounding success

The first Filipino Therapists Conference and Expo held last September 24-25, 2011 at Crown Plaza was a success. As more than 200 therapists and rehab professionals attended the event to learn, network and share stories about their practice.

The event paraded different set of speakers that discussed topics that touched Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Child Therapy.

The event’s main speaker is Katherine Sherrington from Australia who discussed scientific studies on how to prevent fall from older people.

The positive and enthusiastic response of the attendees and the speakers to the event makes next year very promising and a positive addition to the promotion of knowledge and skills improvement of the therapy and rehab industry.

Around 30 companies supported the event.

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