Get My Freebies at Look and Feel Great Expo

Monday, March 28, 2011

Call us crazy and we will readily admit it! We are crazy in giving value to the visitors of the event. We are crazy because it is so easy to get MY FREEBIES at the Look and Feel Great Expo, April 15-16,2011 at Market, Market.

Call us crazy because when all around us are price increases we opted to give MY FREEBIES in the Look and Feel Great Expo.

Our reason for being crazy is because we wanted you to come and enjoy the event even before you have gone around it and even before you have listened and watched the different interesting activities that the event is offering.

But here's the thing! You have to take note of this! Yes, I am not joking and I do not want you to feel depressed if you miss this simple instruction. You have to be there at around 11am to 12nn to get MY FREEBIES. Lastly, it is on a first come, first serve basis only. 

There might be long lines even before 11am. But we are prepared for the long lines that it will move faster, so no need to worry. 

What are the MY FREEBIES? MY FREEBIES are Health products given by our exhibitors and sponsors. Also, we will throw-in other exciting products that you will only know when you attend the event.

So mark your calendar and do not drink too much milk the night before the event and set the alarm of you clock so that you will be one of firsts to get MY FREEBIES during the event.

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