A World of Investment Opportunities for Balikbayan and OFWs
Monday, September 13, 2010
It is now halfway of September, the start of the “BER” months and our country eagerly prepares for the longest celebration of the most important season that we have – Christmas.
As we turn our homes to hues of green and red and decorate it with different attractive lights, a magical atmosphere envelops our streets and cities. Indeed, the spirit of Christmas is upon us.
The entry of “BER” months is also the start of Megabalikbayan and OFW Expo (MBOX) preparation to make its 7th run a very meaningful and enjoyable experience for Balikbayans and OFWs. Slated this coming December 10, 11 and 12, 2010 the event boasts 2,530 square meters of exhibition area and 220 exhibitors at the minimum.
This is bigger and better compared to the previous six years and the promise to serve its main audience (Balikbayans and OFWs) with various knowledge and skills in business, investment and entrepreneurship is the best to happen in December.
The exhibition area will have all the different start-up and medium size business concepts you can ever think of to make the Balikbayans and OFWs dream of owning a business come true.
Studies have shown that for OFWs to have a better and sustainable economic status he/she must learn how to invest and own a business. This finding is not rocket science because entrepreneurship will show anyone how to have a control of his/her economic well being. And if anyone makes a commitment to have a successful business then sky is the only limit one can experience in the area of success.
The exhibition have three components, first is the MEGA INVEST where you are presented with different properties, car, technologies, agri-aqua ventures, finance and investment exhibitors. Second is the MEGA EXPERIENCE where different destinations, health and wellness products and services, food and beverages, pets and hobbies are presented for the human senses to feast on. Third is the MEGA SHOP where discounted items, online sellers, and regional products are in full display for the wise buyers to enjoy.
The event will also have university business plan competition, dog shows, cultural shows and GAWAD OFW – an event where successful OFWs are recognize for their effort to better their lives by investing wisely their money on business inside the country.

As of this moment there are already around 10 OFW Associations that support this event.
The event is produced and organized by EX-LINK Management and Marketing Services Corporation. If you have any inquiries or wanted to be part of the event as exhibitor or sponsor you may call tel # 6433887 or visit www.megabalikbayanofwexpo.com.ph