Why Managing Time Gaps in Events Are Critical

Friday, June 25, 2010

You created a great concept and content for your event but placed in a situation where the next speaker is not yet ready, the stage is being fixed and, suddenly, dead silence emanates followed ebbing of the audience energy to the lowest level takes place.

Most of the times, this is what happen. We do our Daily Run Sheet but forgot to give special attention to time gaps that always happen in between topics or during breaks. We forgot to consider that in this critical period an enervating inertia may take place. Inertia that makes us slips within our hands the attention of the audience. Even, sadly, sometimes, we are judged because of this area which is critical but overlooked.

So next time that you are creating your Daily Run Sheet, make sure that you give a special attention on time gaps that take place inside your event and give it creative ways with the objective of maintaining the audience energy created at the start of your event. For sure, handling the time gaps properly will help you sustain the energy until the end of your event.

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